She whimpered against his mouth, grabbing at his tunic and neck. He pulled her closer to him, fearing he might crush her by doing so. Yet she moved against him frantically, building the fire in his blood. Her lips moved over his….

How he wanted her. And she wanted him, desperately.

His hand slid to her neck, cupping it gently as his thumb grazed her lower lip once more. He was rewarded with her shudder and gasp.

“Please,” she whispered.

She pushed the tunic from his shoulder and ran her hands over his chest, making a soft groaning sound as she did so. He watched, in awe of her uninhibited desire. There was no shame in her sensuality. Her gaze followed the path of her hands, possessed by such a fever of need that he had to appease her. He could not stop his stomach from quivering, contracting, beneath her touch. Or the hot throbbing of his loins. Her lips returned to him, clinging to his ear, nuzzling his neck and the base of his throat. It was hard to breathe, his desire scarcely restrained.

She held such power over him, her lips and hands demanding his response.

“Please,” the word brushed across his lips.

His hands were rough upon her, grabbing her hair and pulling her face to him. His lips clung, his tongue invaded… but it wasn’t enough. He would have all of her. He grasped the shoulders of her tunic, craving the feel of her flesh. He felt the fever of need in her blood, shared it. But her tunic was trapped, pulled tightly beneath them, denying and inflaming him all the more.

Too frenzied to pause, he stood.

She wrapped her legs about him. Out of instinct, he knew, but it was torture. He’d felt desire, faint memories now, but never like this. Nothing in his life compared to this.

He lifted her in his arms, carrying her from the hall as her lips devoured him. His mouth, his cheek, his ear, his shoulder... He trembled, turning into her kiss when her lips sought his. How they reached his chamber, he didn’t know. But they reached his bed quickly. He stooped, set her gently upon the bed, and paused.

The sight of her, her copper hair spread across his furs, was something he would treasure on the dark nights ahead. He swallowed, drinking in each detail. She was a gift. One he’d no right to accept.

His thoughts sobered him, a knot of coldness settling in his stomach. She would leave. He did not doubt it, she was right, he would send her away. He had to…

She was unaware of his stillness. She sat up, tugging the ties of her tunic and letting the linen slip free. He swallowed as the cloth fell, caressing the curves of her body, to pool about her knees on his bed.

He lifted a hand, but caught himself. He fisted his hands, holding his arms to his side.

She moved closer, her eyes fixed upon him as she waited.

The pain was physical, as if his heart would willingly tear itself from his chest. But he would not take what she offered. He must end this, sever this unnatural connection between them. For her own good. He would find the strength to end this, he must.

“Persephone.” His voice was hard, startling her. He bent, lifting her discarded tunic and covering her. “Enough.”

She stared at him, blinking in confusion.

“Forgive me.” He glanced at her and stepped back.

She sank slowly onto the bed, clutching her tunic in bewilderment. She wrapped her arms about her. “Forgive you?”

It was a hard thing not to fall to his knees, not to pull her back to him. Instead he stood, every muscle taut with restraint. “Your words… Your enthusiasm. I’ve no excuse for my behavior.”

She stared up at him.

The look in her eyes tore at him. He’d hurt her too many times. And now, when she’d done nothing but offer him love, he would hurt her again.

“But you…” her voice broke. “You love me. As I love you.”

He swallowed. Was he capable of love? Did she truly believe he could? “I fear you’ve confused lust with love, Persephone.”

Her green eyes narrowed and she stood, charging him in a fury. “Lust? I would not deny that my body aches for you. But it is my heart that would have you… join with me… You and no other…” Her voice grew husky as she placed her hand on his chest. “Your heart answers mine…”

He pushed her hand from him, shuddering from her touch and her words. His words were low, hard and biting. “What do you know of love?”

She moved closer. “I know of no one who feels as strongly for another as I feel for you, Hades. What else could it be?”

He had no answer for her. Because he wanted it to be true. He scowled.