Hades arrived, sighing loudly. “He’s normally a ferocious brute.”

She laughed again, stroking the animal’s powerful shoulders with both hands. “You sound disappointed. Do you want him to bite me?”

Hades shook his head, rubbing a hand over his face. “I do not. It had not occurred to me that he’d sit so easily under your touch, either.”

“Mighty Orphnaeus,” she murmured. “Your master is astounded that one might enjoy my companionship. Should I be offended?”

The horse lifted his head to regard Hades.

She looked too, her smile faltering at the grave expression he wore.

“You’re a most pleasant companion, Persephone.” His words were soft.

She blinked at him. “Am I?”

Orphnaeus moved behind her, pushing between her shoulders with his broad nose.

She giggled. “What is it?”

Hades moved forward, a frown on his face. “He wants you to ride.”

She glanced at him, surprised. “Can you understand him? Talk to him?”

“Not as you talk to your plants and trees, no. But we understand enough.”

She looked at the horse, then at Hades. “Enough? And the hounds?”

Hades’ frown grew. “All creatures of the night, those that move in shadow. They are loyal to me, my… ghosts.”

Persephone nodded. “To earn such loyalty, they must respect you.”

“Or fear me.” His face hardened then.

She shook her head, “Fear you? Animals, like the plants, know the worth of a soul.”

Hades looked away from her. She saw the muscle in his cheek tighten, but he said no more.

The horse snorted, blowing hard. His breath lifted her hair, sending her curls over her shoulder. She laughed and stroked the animal. “Such a beautiful creature.”

Again, the horse pushed against her.

She looked at Hades. “Can I ride him?”

He closed his eyes, a crease appearing between his inky brows. “I see no objection from the animal.”

“But you object?”

“He’s a charger, Persephone. A war horse. He’s not ridden for pleasure, only purpose.” His words were uttered without inflection, “I worry over your injury.”

To hear those words spoken with feeling… she could only imagine such delight. Instead she said, “Then I will not.”

He stared at her, the crease returned to his brow, drawing a smile to her lips.

The horse nudged her.

She laughed, stroking the horses soft nuzzle. “Shh, another time.”

She watched Hades. Bewilderment crossed his face as he looked from the horse to her.