“I don’t understand.” She wrapped her arms about herself. How could a person inflict such wickedness, willingly, upon another? Persephone felt ill and strangely weak. “He… she…”

“She is gone.” His brow furrowed. “Let it go.”

“Have you?” She winced as soon as the words were out, hearing his sharp intake of breath. She had no right to ask such a thing. She was angry and hurt, but not with Hades.

Would she not lock her heart away after such an ordeal? If she’d not died from the suffering it unleashed upon her… “I’m sorry. I act as if I’m injured. I’ve no cause to snap at you. You, who’ve been gravely wronged. You endured all… You survived it...” She shook her head, a sad smile on her lips. “I am not as strong as you, that much I know.”

He regarded her silently, until she feared she would throw herself upon him. She longed to wrap her arms about him, to comfort him.

He spoke softly. “Time heals a great deal.”

“Time.” She nodded. She needed more time, with him. What happened with Priska, and his vile brother, was far worse than anything she could have imagined.

But what they, she and Hades, might share… it would be wonderful between them. She must convince him that her heart was, and always would be, his. She needed time to show him what their love could be.

He watched her carefully.

She let her gaze wander over his features, adding, “Does time heal loneliness?”

His eyes widened, his jaw tightened. “Have you been lonely?”

“I have not been alone. I have you with me,” she smiled as she spoke. “And I am thankful to have you…” She blinked, embarrassed. “I mean… I suppose… I have kept you from your responsibilities too long.”

He said nothing, though his eyes bore into hers, burning intensely.

She sucked in a breath, speaking rapidly, “It is selfish of me

to stay any longer, I know. But, I would stay. Let me stay here, Hades, please. My wound is healed, but I am not strong yet. I, too, will be well… in time. It is peaceful here.”

It was the truth. She’d felt such peace only when she was in the meadows or trees, alone with their presence and none other. Being here, with him, was so much more. Yes, she was peaceful, but she felt alive.

Because of him.

She knew he’d brought her here to keep her safe. That he’d had no choice in the matter. And perhaps Hermes’ visit indicated he wanted her gone. She searched his face, desperate for some sign from him.

She was not ready to give up, not yet. There were times when he yielded to her. In those moments of softness, she saw warmth in his gaze. She suspected it was more than just the desires of the flesh… And yet, if he would not give her his heart, would he give her his body?

She blinked, letting her eyes travel the line of his mouth. It was pressed tight, his lovely lips a hard line. Could she be happy with that? A joining of the flesh, but no more? She blinked, tearing her eyes from his mouth.

He murmured, “You are welcome here until you wish to leave.”

Then you will have to make me leave, for I would stay at your side, as we are now, forever.

Chapter Twelve

Hades leaned against the arched doorframe, too pleased with the sight before him. Persephone slept, the even rise and fall of her chest offering him comfort. Her copper hair spilled over the kline’s pillows, blown gently by the evening breeze. He moved to her side, his fingers light upon her cheek. The absence of her, the touch of her skin and sound of her breath, plagued him nightly. And though he knew it was wrong, he could not stop himself from touching her now.

How soft her skin was. Was she too cool? He turned, heading for his chambers. He would bring some furs to warm her.

“My lord Hades,” Aeacus called out, his footsteps heavy in the otherwise silent room.

Hades raised his hand, pointing at Persephone. Aeacus nodded, pressing his lips together. He placed the scrolls upon the table and tapped them with his fingers.

“Much to report?” Hades asked softly, leading Aeacus into the hall and away from the balcony.

“None of interest,” Aeacus said. “The end of war brings a lull to your judges’ chambers.”

“Enjoy such idle times as you can. Man seems too eager to find their next conquest.”