He nodded and crossed the room. She sat forward, drawing her knees up and resting her chin atop them.

She had not expected his hands to sluice through the water, catching her hair. He lathered it gently, kneading her scalp with firm fingers. She moaned, and he stilled.

“You’d make a fine attendant.” She sighed in pleasure.

He laughed softly, making her heart swell with happiness, and returned to his work.

She leaned into his hands, letting him tilt her head first to the left, then to the right. His hand rested on the base of her neck, and she felt her body respond. Even now, weak and tired, her body ached for his touch.

He poured water over her hair, twisting it to ring out the soap. His hands cupped her forehead, lightly pressing all the way down the length of her hair until the soap was gone.

“Done.” His voice was hoarse.

She turned, looking at him. Could a man be beautiful? She could think of no other word for him. She felt such pleasure, dazzling warmness from deep inside of her. “Thank you.”

His jaw clenched as he nodded.

Did she dare stand? Was she brazen enough to use feminine wiles after all? Her eyes searched his. And she stood slowly, wobbling. “Will you…”

His eyes were round, but he moved quickly. He wrapped one of his own chlamys about her and lifted her out, carrying her to the chair before the fire.

His hands returned to her hair, brushing through the locks with a finely toothed comb.

“Is there no one else to tend me?” she asked. Her body was aflame. And his every touch, his hands lifting her hair, his fingers brushing her neck, heightened her awareness of him.

He stilled, and she glanced back at him.

His face was impassive. “I will find someone more pleasing.”

“You mistake me, Hades.” She shook her head, overwhelmed by his closeness. She swallowed the lump in her throat. “I’ve no desire to send you away, none. I meant no offense. But I know you’ve more important matters than smoothing my hair. If you’ve no such responsibilities to manage, I beg you, stay and continue.” Her cheeks grew hot at such an admission. “Your touch is a comfort.”

His eyes widened.

She smiled. “I vowed honesty. You shall have it.” She’d said too much. And while she would declare her love instantly, she knew he was not ready to learn the truth yet. He would learn, in time, he was hers. She was careful with her next words, teasing, “You are uncommonly gifted as an attendant.”

He shook his head. “I shall tell the Fates so that they might release me to serve you so.”

She laughed, delighted. More delighted when he smiled in return.

Chapter Eleven

“Each day brings us closer. I think,” Persephone said, glancing at Hermes.

Hermes nodded. “You are happy.”

“I worry that what I want colors what is. I want him to be fond of me. I want him to enjoy our time together. When we are together, we speak and laugh and walk together. And I want those things to mean something to him.”

Hermes patted her hand, resting in the crook of his arm. “He would be a fool not to enjoy such times.”

She shook her head. “You’ve no need to flatter me, Hermes.”

“I did not mean to flatter you.” He grinned. “You are a most unique woman, Persephone. You speak plainly. It can be quite disconcerting.”

“Perhaps too plainly.” She glanced up at him. “I fear I lack my mother’s art of seduction…”

“Artifice would not suit you,” he assured her.

“That’s a relief,” she admitted.