She was feeling better. The pain in her side had raged, but now it only ached. And yet, her body felt so weak and tired. She could not bear to open her eyes or speak.

Besides, such dreams kept her pleased with sleep.


“More?” he offered, keeping his face under careful control.

“No, thank you.” Her voice was unsteady, but oh, how he loved the sound of it.

He nodded, setting the ambrosia beside the nectar. He cast another glance at her, watching her as she looked around her with wide eyes.

“How long have I been here… in your home?” she cleared her throat, coughing slightly.

He offered her water, which she drank thirstily. “Three moons.”

She froze, staring at him. “So long?”

He nodded. And every night he’d held her close to warm her. “Do you remember nothing of what happened?” He prayed she didn’t.

Her face fell, her forehead wrinkling as she concentrated. “I remember running away from Erysichthon.”

“Were you?” His throat went dry. She’d been running away? If he’d taken Erysichthon’s challenge, so arrogantly issued in Demeter’s grove, he would have spared her all of this. She would never have known such suffering.

She nodded. “The rest is unclear.”

He nodded, wrestling this newfound guilt. “Perhaps it’s better you have no memories of what happened.”

Her voice was steadier now. “You brought me here?”

“You were injured.”

“Injured?” Her brow furrowed as she regarded him, perplexed. Then her eyes grew wide and her mouth opened. She pushed the furs back and lifted the linen from her skin. The smooth golden expanse of her stomach greeted them.

He swallowed.

“I was…” she whispered. “You were there… And you…” She turned bright eyes upon him, the sheen of unshed tears unmistakable. “You saved me.”

He swallowed again, nodding once. She studied him, her eyes traveling over his face, his hair and shoulders.

He stood, moving towards the fire. It was one thing to care for her, to aid her as she healed, when she was unaware of the lengths he went to do such things. It was quite another to have her look at him with such pleasure.

She should not look at him so.

The silence grew, forcing him to turn to her.

She looked into the distance, her hand upon her stomach. No sign of her wound remained. Did she suffer still? He held his place before the fire, gripping the mantle to do so. “Does it pain you?” His voice was harsh.

She blinked, turning to him and shaking her head. “I suspect you took very good care of me. And I thank you, Hades, for … caring for me.”

He said nothing.

She lay back, resting carefully on her side. Her arms were unsteady as she drew the furs higher. “Why?”

He scowled.

She laughed.

He smiled.