Aphrodite smiled, but there was a sadness in her eyes that Persephone was all too familiar with. Something troubled her new friend, the Goddess of Love–

“You look lovely,” Demeter interrupted her thoughts. “Today I give away my daughter and gain a son.”

Happiness settled upon Persephone, warm and strong. She did not let her mother dally any longer, but took Demeter’s hand and led them to the Council Chamber.

He stood, swathed in gray silk. He cut a regal figure, handsome and tall. So handsome that she released her mother’s hand and ran to him. His smile greeted her before she tangled her arms about him and demanded a kiss.

“Well,” Hermes laughed. “It would seem she has no resistance to the union.”

Apollo laughed heartily. “Would that all women greet their men in such a fashion.”

“Truly, Persephone,” Hera chided her. “Remember who you are.”

His lips lifted from hers then, making her fingers tighten upon the front folds of his tunic.

“She remembers well enough,” Hades’ words were soft, amused.

Persephone smiled at him, taking his hand in both of hers.

“Come.” Zeus waved them forward, holding a sin

gle golden coronet in his hand. He lifted it, placing it upon Hades’ head, then her own. It was the lightest touch, yet it marked them as partners before Olympus.

“Go now, before the sun sets.” Demeter hugged her daughter. “And remember the ritual that will bring you home. These ceremonies, the Eleusinian Mysteries, will keep you safe and with us.”

Persephone nodded. “I will not forget. I promise you.”

Hera’s words were praising, and faintly envious, “The city Eleusis honors you greatly, Demeter. That they place their daughters in harm’s way, to ensure Persephone’s safe crossing, knowing Erysichthon waits–”

Hades’ hand was warm about her. “I will not rest until Erysichthon is a threat no longer. Thanatos has seen him. The hounds hunt him still.”

Demeter shook her head. “They are a good people, and cared for me well while I grieved for you, Persephone. They do no more than I. If their Goddess must risk her daughter for a fruitful harvest, they will do the same. It is the will of the Fates, is it not? If they require such dramatics for their cursed balance, I can scarce deny them.” She paused. “Nor could I deny the desires of my daughter.”

Aphrodite was quick to ease the worry Demeter’s words raised. “You have no need to fear for them. They know what they do, and why. It is more than a harvest that brings these Mysteries into being. It is your love. A love that leaves us all in awe.” She met Persephone’s eyes. “Besides, Ares is most desperate for battle. Perhaps these Eleusinian Mysteries will offer him a conquest?”

“It has been too quiet of late,” Ares muttered. He glanced at Aphrodite, then Persephone, with an ever increasing scowl.

“Then I shall worry no more,” Persephone smiled at Ares. “And thank you for keeping watch.”

Hades’ hand tightened about hers, the slightest pull revealing his impatience. She met his eyes, so blindingly blue she paused to gaze at him.

“Have you any more good-byes, Persephone?” Hades’ words were soft, meant for her ears alone.

She shook her head, smiling up at him. “No, my lord. I’m done with good-byes for now.”

“Come then,” he lifted her hand, pressing a kiss atop her fingers.

She nodded. “Take me home, Hades.”

Glossary Terms & Reference Index

Chiton – men’s tunic of lightweight fabric.

Chlamys – a short cloak, worn by men and women, made from one seamless piece of material.

Doru – a spear, 7-9 feet long, used by the Greek infantrymen .

Ekdromos/Ekdromoi – skilled infantrymen used for special missions or close combat.