“Yes,” he nodded, letting his eyes look their fill. His voice was rough, heavy with emotion. “You did.”

Her hands cupped his face and she sighed. “All will be well.”

“You have such faith,” he whispered.

“As do you,” she paused. “You bargained with the Fates…”

His hands covered hers. “A bargain I will have to revisit.”

“Why?” her smile did not fade.

“That was not part of the bargain,” he pointed at the fruit, fallen on the ground at their feet. “I’d meant for you to keep your freedom…”

She sighed, shaking her head.

He continued. “You were to have a choice, to come and go as you pleased. But now…” he scowled at the fruit. He could not bring himself to scowl at her.

“This is my choice,” her voice hitched. “There is nothing I want more… than to be with you.”


She nodded. “Nothing, Hades. It is no passing fancy. My heart is yours.”

He turned, pressing a kiss against her palm. His heart was all too willing to accept her words as truth. It would take time for the rest of him to believe as well. He glanced at the fruit. Time they had.

“There is balance between us,” she added, drawing his attention back her.

“Oh?” His fingers traced the line of her jaw, then her neck. He smoothed a heavy curl from her shoulder, savoring every touch. “Balance?”

“You’ve my heart and you… I…” she swallowed then, uncertain.

He nodded. “And you have mine.”

She smiled, her eyes closing for a moment before she sighed happily. “Yes.”

He shook his head, astounded. He was blessed above all Gods. And he would do whatever the Fates asked of him to keep her with him. “I must make them understand what’s happened.”

“And what has happened?” she waited.

His eyebrow rose. “You’ve come home.”

She nodded, pressing herself against him once more. “Yes, I am home.”


“You must learn patience.” Demeter smoothed the long white veils over Persephone’s braid. “He has waited these six months, I see no reason for your agitation now that you’re about…” She sniffed, once, then twice.

“Mother,” Persephone soothed, pulling Demeter into her embrace. “I shall return to you in six months more.” Her heart felt heavier at the thought. No, not now. Not yet. She would not worry over the goodbyes when she’d yet to say hello to him.

Demeter nodded. “It is foolish of me, I know. For I have what I’ve wanted. I know you are safe with Hades. But you are so… so…”

Persephone sighed and hugged her mother to her once more. “You must not forget the plants while I’m away, Mother. They may sleep through my absence, but keep them living – I entreat you.”

Demeter nodded. “Yes, yes.”

“It’s time.” Aphrodite peered around the door.

Persephone smiled at her. “I’ll be there in a moment.”