ld do the lady no good, for she has no choice.” With those words, Poseidon melted into vapor and blew towards the city.

Hades felt bile flood his mouth. Fury, hot and churning, quickly followed.

She has no choice… He sucked in a ragged breath, rolling his neck to release the tension that knotted and pinched his broad shoulders.

His eyes followed Poseidon, a swiftly moving shadow, drifting towards Athens. Would he do his duty? Hatred, his constant companion, mixed with grief for those that would suffer under Poseidon’s care.

Charon would ferry soldiers to the Underworld’s shores this eve. Soldiers Poseidon should have spared.

That his brother was selfish was no surprise, most of the Olympians were. But where the others might find a way to justify their actions, Poseidon felt none was needed. He was an Olympian. His every action and word was for his purposes and none would stand in his way. He reveled in his self-indulgence.

In the time since they’d drawn their lot for life, Poseidon had changed little.

And Hades’ loathing for his brother had changed not at all.

Chapter Three

“You have nothing to say?” Demeter asked, her face alight with amusement.

Erysichthon of Thessaly stared open-mouthed at the deity before him. He shook his head. “For once, I’m speechless, Goddess.”

She laughed. “Your words prove otherwise, oh mighty King.”

Her laughter stirred him, pulling a smile from him.

She’d not changed since the first time he’d looked upon her. Nor had the love he felt for her… But such sentiments were one sided. The love she bore Erysichthon came from his complete loyalty to her as his Goddess, nothing more. But this? She knew of his affection for her, his devotion for her. Surely she was mocking him.

“You are in earnest?” he asked, surprised by how tight his throat had become. She must care for him then, to suggest such a thing. “It is a surprise, Goddess.”

Her brown eyes narrowed as she regarded him. “A pleasant surprise, no doubt?”

He nodded quickly. “Yes, yes. Pleasant can scarce describe such a… gift.” He paused, still stunned by her words. “I swear by my honor, I will esteem to earn her.”

“If Hermes will not,” Demeter cautioned. “I would see her marry from the Olympians first, of course.”

He nodded, taking no offense. He was, after all, king. He ruled all of Thessaly. But he was only mortal. He could hardly fault his Goddess for wanting an Olympian match.

“If Hermes will not have her, I would see that you do.”

He should be pleased. No, more than that. What she proposed was a rare honor…

“She is young.” Demeter moved forward, staring down at him. “And innocent. I would have you remember that. Such a gentle soul will need a show of affection and time to accept this match.”

Erysichthon watched a faraway look claim Demeter. His eyes wandered over the Goddess, curious to know if his young wife would be as fair as her mother. None had seen Persephone, Demeter was fiercely protective of her. Some said it was because the girl was hideously disfigured, that Demeter thought to save her daughter from the ridicule or malice of those that should respect her.

He prayed that was a rumor. He would do as Demeter asked, wed and bed the young Goddess. But it would be easier if she was comely. If she resembled her mother, it would be… He felt heat rush to his loins.

Her eyes bore into his, causing his heart to thunder within his broad chest. “I know what you are, what appetites you have. Your skills are your sword, your loyalty, and I value them. But I must know, can you be gentle?”

“I will be whatever you ask of me,” he promised. If he was to marry Persephone, he would lose Demeter. He knew it and ached.

Demeter smiled at him, tilting her head slightly. “And that is why I chose you.”

“She is in favor of this match?” he asked.

Demeter shrugged. “My daughter has no notion of you or my wishes when it comes to this marriage. But she will, soon. There will be, however, some changes within your kingdom.”

He waited. Demeter had shown him mercy since his reign began, more than twenty years before. In return, he’d been careful of her, taking pains to keep faithful to her and those she cherished. When he’d learned of her affection for barley, for it reminded her of Persephone’s hair, he planted fields of it. When her beloved cypress grove was threatened by fire, he fought the blaze without a single tree lost.