Demeter’s face softened. “You do.” Her hand touched his cheek. “But does she still love you?”

“There is still the matter of Erysichthon,” Ares interrupted. “If your Persephone is willing to return to your realm, she will still have to travel from here to there. He will be waiting.”

Athena nodded. “If he knows she belongs to Hades, he’ll want her all the more. Isn’t that right, Poseidon?”

Poseidon smirked. “How would you know what it is to be wanted by a man, Athena?”

“Have you a plan, Ares?” Hades asked. As much as he wanted Persephone to return, he would not risk her safety.

“I do,” Demeter sighed. “If this, if you, are what she wants.”


Persephone leaned against the tree, savoring the calm within her. She had missed much, and the spruce was eager to tell her all it had seen and heard. She was in no hurry, either, and savored each and every word.

Her fingers pressed against the slight gash on the tree’s trunk. “I’m pleased that you were spared.” She pressed her cheek against the rough bark, sighing.

Too many great trees had been cut down for ships, spears, and makeshift camps for Grecian and Persian troops.

“How much longer?” Hermes asked her.

“It’s not finished.”

Hermes sighed. “The sun is setting, Persephone.”

Her eyes flew to the horizon. When the sun slept, the light went with it. She had no desire to be found by Erysichthon. She pressed her hands upon the tree. “I must leave you. But I will come soon. Keep the rest of your stories ‘til then?”

The tree wasn’t happy with this, so she wrapped her arms about the trunk. “I missed you so. But never fear, I shall never be so long away from you again.”

> The tree was somewhat mollified. But its next question startled her.

“No,” she whispered. “I didn’t come here to get away from him.”

The tree continued. Hades had ridden by, headed for Olympus…

“Today?” she asked. The tree answered quickly.

She swallowed, unable to deny the heaviness that flooded her chest. “Hermes?” She turned, placing a hand upon his arm. “Why would Hades go to Olympus?”

Hermes had been watching Persephone’s nymphs with wide-eyed interest. “What?” he asked.

“Why would Hades travel to Olympus?”

“Today?” He shook his head. “I know of no cause.”

“None have summoned him?” She knew her mother would not do such a thing. Surely not.

Hermes shook his head again. “Why?”

“The tree says he passed by, headed for Olympus.” She glanced toward the distant mountain.

“Did it?”

She nodded. “I’m glad I’m here, then.”

Hermes sighed, loudly. “Why? You don’t ask after him, or speak of him. You don’t want to see–”

“No,” she spoke quickly, scowling at him. “Why would I want to see him? Why would I want to be reminded of such joy, only to know it was gone forever?” She blinked back tears before they could betray her. “I would not look on him. Not ever again.” Her heart twisted, refuting every word she’d uttered.