br /> He offered silent apologies to the plants but did not slow his team as they reached the base of Olympus, tearing up the trail in his haste to reach the Council Chamber and Persephone.

He knew what he had to do. That he would humble himself before all. And he was ready to do so.

He leapt from the chariot and took the steps two at a time, entering the gleaming white hall and heading swiftly to the Council Chamber. He paused only long enough to draw in a fortifying breath, then pushed the doors wide.

She was not there.

Neither was Hermes. Or Apollo. But the rest of the Olympians regarded him.

“Hades?” Zeus stood, coming to greet him. “’Tis a surprise to have you with us, brother. But I am pleased to see you recovered.”

Hades clasped Zeus’ forearm in his. “I am.”

Zeus wore an odd expression. Amused or expectant, Hades could not be certain.

“You are most welcome.” Hera smiled stiffly.

Hades nodded, but said nothing.

Zeus stepped back, encouraging Hades to take his seat.

None spoke as Hades moved towards it.

Hades hesitated. He stood tall and moved to Demeter.

She watched him. “Hades.”

“Demeter. I…” He paused. “You offered me a gift.”

Her eyes narrowed. “I did. For you cared for my daughter, did you not?”

His throat tightened as he nodded. Would he be forced to do this in front of all?

Her eyebrows rose. “What do you want, Hades?”

“Yes.” Poseidon laughed. “This should be interesting.”

Hades turned and smiled at his brother.

Poseidon grew still, his face wary.

“I will tell you,” Hades’ voice rose. “So that there is no worry that what I want might be misunderstood. You will all hear, and know, so that none can claim ignorance.”

Hades ignored the rest, turning back to Demeter. “I would have Persephone as my wife.”

Her reaction startled him. There was no surprise, no anger, only the slightest tightening of her mouth.

“My Persephone?” she asked. “Tell me, Hades, are you the cause of all her tears?”

Demeter’s words struck him. “I’d never meant to be.”

“Wife?” Hera gasped. “But, but she’s a Goddess of the earth. How can she go… there?”

“There is balance in life and death,” Zeus spoke carefully. “One fuels the next. Does it not?”

Hades did not turn from Demeter.

“Will she have you?” Demeter asked.