She nodded, moving around the chair to sit. She stared at her hands, clasped tightly in her lap. She knew the others still watched, knew that she’d revealed too much. But she no longer cared. It was enough to know he would recover. She must find solace in that.

“And Erysichthon?” Demeter asked. “Surely there is a plan to rid ourselves of him?”

Persephone looked up.

Athena took a cup from the tray Hebe offered. “What need is there for any action, Demeter?”

“We would return to our home.” Demeter glanced at Persephone with a smile.

Home. Persephone lowered her gaze, willing her tears back. Did such a place exist for her now?

“In time–” Zeus began.

“Time?” Demeter interrupted. “I’ve lost enough time with my daughter. We are Goddesses of the earth, Zeus. We must return to it–”

“Demeter.” Zeus’ tone startled Persephone, the command sharp.

“Walk with me?” Hermes appeared at her side, smiling. He offered his hand. “The gardens?”

She swallowed, taking the hand with a slight nod.

“Have you not looked upon the grasses? The crops?” Demeter continued.

Apollo nodded. “Greece is brittle. Perhaps we should–”

The voices were lost to Persephone then, closed behind the doors of the Council Chamber.

“And how do you find Olympus?” Hermes asked.

“Odd,” she answered. “White. Cold.”

“Cold?” He laughed.

“Yes. Cold.”

“But you can be no closer to the sun,” he said, leading her into the gardens. “Unless you rode with Apollo in his chariot.”

She shook her head. “I am cold.”

Hermes stopped, tilting her chin up. “You have lost your smile.”

She felt the prick of tears in her eyes. “I will find it again.”

He sighed.

She shrugged, pulling gently from him to stroke the burgeoning bushes and vines.

“You’ve spent much time here?” Hermes laughed. “I’ve never seen it so abloom.”

She nodded.

“It is an improvement,” he continued.

“Tell me.” She turned, ignoring the tears that rolled down her cheeks. “Tell me, honestly, that he is well, Hermes. My heart aches to know the truth.”

Hermes took her hands in his. “He will be well.”

How she wanted to believe him.