“This is ready?” Ares’ voice reached him though his ears throbbed. No, it was not just his ears… His head, his body… Something was not right. He lifted his head, narrowing his eyes to focus. Ares stood, assessing him without sympathy. “You are no warrior, Hades.”

He drew in an unsteady breath. “I never claimed to be.”

“I will take her…” Erysichthon’s words echoed in his ears.

Ares took four long steps, wiped the blood from the shaft of the spear and gripped it in both hands. “This will hurt.”

He could endure this pain, but Erysichthon’s threats… He must protect her.

“Hades?” Ares’ stare was hard.

Hades nodded. Ares pulled, making the spear shift in Hades’ shoulder. The shaft bounced off his collarbone, unleashing nauseating pain. He glared at Ares as the sensations choked him.

“Yell, Hades. Even the bravest fighters do,” Ares encouraged, gritting his teeth as he jerked and twisted the spear. It would not give. Ares sighed, circling Hades. “It’s sunk too deep to remove. I’ll need to break the staff.”

He could scarce breathe, but forced the words out. “Do it.”

Hades heard Ares’ sword slide from its scabbard. The blow was fast, freeing him with one swipe. He swayed, no longer held up but no less skewered. He stared at his chest, placing his unsteady hands upon the shaft and pulling it from his shoulder. He did not stop the groan that ripped from him, for the splintered end of the spear sliced its way through the open wound. His chest was blanketed in his own hot blood, the iron smell sharp in his nostrils.

He leaned back heavily against the tree. The spear fell from his trembling hand, spraying a fine mist of blood upon his feet as it landed on the dirt at his side. He stared at his hand. Was it his hand that shook, or the throbbing within his eyes that made them appear to shake?

“Well?” Ares asked.

Hades spat out the blood filling his mouth. “Well…”

“Explain yourself.”

Each breath seemed thinner, while his body grew hot and heavy. “He watched the day’s battle. He stayed outside my reach…”

Ares laughed. “He is clever, learning your weakness and using it against you.”

His weakness… How had Erysichthon learned of his real weakness? “When she visits her flowers, sings to her trees, tells her stories, or sleeps in her bed… I will be with her. And, when the time is right, I will claim her. She is mine. Persephone is mine.”

Hades tried to move, tried to push himself up, but he fell back. He rested his head against the tree trunk, feeling trapped within his traitorous body. His blood boiled within him, scalding his insides with each pump of his heart. “He is…”

“He tipped the spears in poison. I know the smell well enough.” He heard Ares sigh. “Fever will find you…”

He glanced at Ares. Erysichthon had said as much. He’d said a great many things... “Poison?”

“Your wounds will turn putrid. You’ll need attention.” Ares stooped at his side, placing a thickly muscled arm about his waist. The God of War spoke gruffly, hauling him to his feet, “Lean on me or fall flat. It makes no difference to me.”

Hades laughed softly, his throat convulsing. He coughed, hungrily pulled in air, and then spit more blood from his mouth, weakly offering, “My thanks.” He gripped Ares’ waist, willing himself to stand erect even though it pulled at his injuries. “But you must go on to Olympus. I will manage…”

“You will manage?” Ares shook his head. “My hearing is as sharp as my sword, Hades.”

“Then you know we must get word to Olympus,” he hissed in pain.

Ares retorted, “Send your hounds if you must. None face danger on Olympus.”

Hades would argue, but knew there was no help for it. He could not force Ares to action. He lifted his foot, to step forward, but his leg began to spasm and shake.

Ares snorted as his iron-like arm wrapped about him, dragging him along.

It took time, for each step jarred the gaping wounds. The pounding intensified, the pain rising in steady waves of heat. When Hades could bear it no more, he stopped, retching blood and bile.

“You will manage?” Ares asked gruffly, mocking him.

Hades lifted his head to glare at Ares, but the sudden movement sent the world spinning.