Erysichthon tensed, then circled closer. He could see Hades’ face now, but there was no fear. Not yet.

Hades’ voice was cold, hard. “Did you send them all to me knowing they would fall?”

He would not be baited. Not now, when he was so close.

Hades’ eyes narrowed, searching the dark. But Erysichthon knew he had the advantage.

He slipped the spears free, careful of his every movement. He gripped the spear, steadied the shaft, and aimed in silence.

“What do you hope to gain? You are no immortal, Erysichthon. No God…”

The spear flew true, piercing through Hades’ right shoulder and driving deep into the tree behind him.

Hades attempted to step forward, his teeth bared as the shaft of the spear jarred.

Erysichthon gripped another spear, took aim and released it. The spear sailed, ripping through Hades’ left side and slamming him into the tree.

“What do I hope to gain?” He left the cover of the trees, using the last spear as a walking stick. “Pain. Your pain.”

Hades’ face was covered in sweat, the heavy muscles of his chest rising and falling rapidly. “You have it. Are you satisfied now?”

Erysichthon stopped, a low chuckle escaping him. “It’s a pity that bravery is your only strength. How would this satisfy me? How would this–” he gripped the spear that split Hades’ side– “satisfy me?” He pushed the spear, forcing the wood ever deeper into Hades’ pale flesh.

Blood flowed, pouring from Hades’ chest and hip to stream down his leg.

“But I know what will.” He stepped back, realizing he lingered too closely to Hades. He could not indulge his ego so, or he would be lost to Tartarus as his men were. And this time he knew what their reception of him would be.

Hades’ eyes were black when he opened them. “Tell me. So that we might end this conflict.”

Erysichthon smiled, shaking his head. “Why would I wish such a thing? You are immortal. These wounds will heal, though I fear the poison may linger for some time yet.”

Hades glared at him, gripping the spear at his shoulder.

“They’re Persian.” He smiled. “A nasty adversary, barbing their arrows and spears. It will not be easy, pulling free. You’ll see the spear shaft widens, either way will be most uncomfortable. I looked for a sword, with their serrated blades. But seeing you today, I knew the only weapons I might use against you required distance.”

“Your cowardice is surprising.” Hades’ voice betrayed little.

Damn you, I will make you suffer.

Hades continued, “You were once a great warrior. A generous king…”

“Once, but no more. Now I have but one purpose. Making you suffer.” He paused. “Not with spears or arrows or swords, but through your heart. I will find her. And I will take her…”

He’d expected Hades to fight, expected him to hurl curses and threats upon him. But he had not anticipated the fury his words would unleash within Hades. Hades was not possessed of inordinate strength, yet he managed to pull the spear in his side free. And as he did so, the night rang with the barbarous growl that tore from deep inside.

Erysichthon stepped back, smiling. “And you cannot stop me.”

Hades pulled, his hands slipping along the bloodied shaft that refused to release him from the tree. “I will…”

Footfalls reached Erysichthon. They were no longer alone. And while he’d planned to savor his last spear, his time was up. He smiled, disappearing into the trees as he promised, “When

she visits her flowers, sings to her trees, tells her stories, or sleeps in her bed… I will be with her. And, when the time is right, I will claim her. She is mine. Persephone is mine.”

He stood within the cover of the trees, a satisfied smile upon his face.

Hades jerked and pulled, but he’d driven the point through the tree, pinioning the Lord of Death in place. But his pathetic attempts to free himself were weakening, and the venom that coated the spear tips began to take effect. If not for the arrival of Ares, who stood staring at Hades in apparent disbelief, he would have laughed out loud at the tremors that overtook Hades. Instead, he enjoyed the view from the safety of the dark forest, savoring every trickle of blood that ran from Hades’ failing body.

Chapter Twenty