She placed the necklace back in the box on her desk and pushed the box away. She must stop this nonsense. She must. Whatever had passed between them…

“Ready?” Elpis asked.

Anticipation tightened her stomach as she headed towards the gate. But it was old Nikolaos who greeted them at the gate with distressing news.

“It’s too late to wander far, mistress. I’m not so young as your guard,” the older man rasped. “Suppose that’s why he was called this eve to fight the Persians, while I stay with the women and goats.” His laughter was creaky, bursting from his chest in short wheezing breaths.

Coldness seep into her bones. He had left – to war.

“He’s gone?” Elpis asked.

“All soldiers have been summoned to prepare the city for invasion, the runner told me. The Persians bring their black ships ever closer, bobbing about to stir panic. Worry not, Ariston and his soldiers have gone to make sure Athens will be ready.” Nikolaos continued, “It would be a good time be young – to feel the call of the blade and the glory of battle.”

Elpis took Medusa’s hand in hers, saying nothing.

Medusa heard bi

ts and pieces of what the old man said. “The Persians are unforgiving warriors, they say...”

Ariston. She stopped the dread that crept into her heart. He would not thank her for it. He was a soldier. Fear was a sign of doubt. If she feared for him, it meant she doubted his skills and prowess.

She did not doubt him.

“Master Themistocles’ ships are ready, though,” he continued. “The Persians have seen nothing like Athens’ Ekdromoi. When they sail out to greet them—”

“Will the Ekdromoi sail with the rest of the hoplites?” Elpis asked.

Nikolaos nodded. “They’ll lead Athens’ ships…”

Mighty Ares, hear my prayer. A warrior goes to battle, to lead Athens’ men. Fill him with your spirit, guide his sword with your strength, and see him victorious for you… Let him stand and defend Athens another day. Over and over she prayed, halfheartedly collecting sprigs of jasmine. Her stomach roiled as Nikolaos carried on, excited that the siege might finally be underway.

Elpis, bless her, set to work collecting more than enough for Xenia. Medusa followed, too dazed to do little more than nod occasionally. She’d known this would happen – but she’d hoped it might be resolved without him.

The moon seemed uncommonly cold as they finished. Elpis offered to take the jasmine to Xenia, pressing a good-night kiss on Medusa’s head. Medusa smiled her thanks and hurried inside, seeking the privacy of her chamber.

Thea greeted her with a coo and she smiled slightly in answer.

Her eyes wandered to her jewelry box and the necklace inside. Would he have worn it if she’d given it to him? Would it please him to have it? How she wished…

The owl hooted plaintively, seeking Medusa’s attention.

“Thea.” Medusa felt tears spilling onto her cheeks. “He’s gone. He might be sent to sea, to danger. I may… He may never return to us, little one.” Her voice wavered as more tears flowed. Her heart twisted, flooding her with such pain.

Thea hooted softly, clicking and bobbing in agitation.

Medusa stroked the owl with a trembling hand. “I’m sorry. I’ve no case for tears. It’s shameful of me. He is a soldier, gone to do what he is trained to do.” Her voice faded.

Thea was silent, her yellow gaze riveted upon Medusa.

She turned from her owl and knelt by the window. Her whispered prayers were for peace and Athens’ safety…and the safety of the soldiers who would defend them all.


A fortnight had passed since Ariston was called to duty.

Medusa was thankful for Anestheria. Without the many festival preparations, she’d have nothing to distract her. She felt his absence nonetheless.

A temple guard had little chance for glory while serving Athena’s priestess, she knew that. And glory was a soldier’s greatest reward. She hoped he would find it, and come back to her.