I’m looking for Mr. Forever, not you—Mr. For Today.

The last effect, four cannons full of metallic confetti, exploded with the final drumbeat. As confetti rained down on the audience, the crowd went crazy.

“Thank you and good night, Pennsylvania,” Krystal called out. “Be safe going home.”

Emmy and her siblings took another bow before waving Jace onstage to join them. The show had been high energy—nothing like a vocal crowd to make them want to give their best performance.

Jace tipped his black hat, the women screamed, and they all bowed again.

“That was incredible.” Melanie offered Emmy her water bottle and towel, following along. “More than usual, that is.”

Emmy patted her face, still on a high. “I think they enjoyed it.”

“They?” Travis shook his head. “The screaming fans? Yeah, I think they might have had an okay time.” He draped his arm over her shoulders.

“Gross, you’re all sweaty.” Krystal dodged when Travis tried to wrap the other arm around her.

“His sweat is better than mine?” he asked, pointing out the way Jace was draped all over Krystal.

“Yes. Way better.” Krystal smiled up at Jace.

“How’s the meet-and-greet look?” Emmy asked.

“Sold out.” Melanie nodded. “There’s quite a crowd waiting outside, too.”

“Does that make you all warm and fuzzy inside?” Travis asked, hugging her tighter.

She stuck her tongue out at him. “They’re here for you, too, you know.” She slid out from under his arm. “I’ll see you in five?”

They nodded and all headed to freshen up prior to rubbing elbows and taking pictures with the big spenders. She pushed open her dressing room door and smiled.

“Smoothie?” Melanie asked. “And I kicked the AC down, too.”

“Perfect, Melanie. Thank y—”

“Emmy Lou?” Sawyer stuck his head in. “Do you have a minute?”

She stopped sipping on her smoothie and waved him inside. “Of course.”

He nodded, stepping inside the room. “I thought I’d let you know that Brock is here.”

“He is? That’s a complete surprise.” A good surprise, wasn’t it? Maybe? “Where is he?”

Sawyer wasn’t smiling. “I had him wait.”

Her gaze met his in the mirror about the same time Krystal and Jace came into her dressing room.

“Emmy.” Krystal paused, glancing at Jace. “I don’t want to do this. I hate him. Hate him.” Krystal blinked, studying her. “Have you checked your phone?”

“I just sat down.” Emmy frowned, looking around. “I don’t have my phone.”

“I have it.” Melanie held it out. “I thought… I’m sorry. I figured you’d need support.”

Emmy took the phone but put it facedown in her lap. “Okay. You’re all here. Go for it.”

“Entertainment This Week has breaking news.” Jace used air quotes.

“Mark Hammond. The rich tech company guy?” Krystal paused. “The one engaged to Vanessa Trentham? Brock’s ex-wife. Well, the engagement was called off.”