Krystal rested her head on her shoulder and hugged her close. “Emmy Lou? Do you think I’d be a good mother?”

Emmy Lou sat back, staring at her sister. “What?”

Krystal sat back on the bed, pulling one of Emmy’s pillows into her lap. “You heard me.”

“Where did that question come from?” It’s not that Emmy Lou had never pictured Krystal as a mom; she’d expected all of them to have kids eventually. But until now, Krystal had never mentioned kids—or her mothering ability.

Krystal shrugged, running her hands back and forth across the mermaid-scale pillow.

Emmy caught her hand. “Seriously, Krystal, why are you asking me that? It’s sort of a really big question. Don’t you think?”

“You were sitting at that table, weren’t you? If Momma is saying she’s a bad mother because of the way she was raised, maybe we shouldn’t have kids.” The flicker of doubt and fear on her face made Emmy hug her tight.

“You will be the most amazing mother ever. I promise,” Emmy whispered, holding her close. “You’re not capable of giving anything less than your best. And when you love someone, you love them with your whole heart—just as they are.”

Krystal didn’t let go. “Are you sure?”

“I’m sure.” She pressed a kiss to her cheek. “And I will be an amazing aunt. However, we will have to shield the baby from Uncle Travis. For obvious reasons.”

“That is true.” Krystal laughed.

Emmy Lou nodded. “That’s the only reason you asked? Because of Momma?”

Krystal’s green gaze locked with hers. “Partly.”

“And the other part?” Emmy Lou did her best not to squeeze her sister’s hand too hard. “Like…you are going to have a baby?” she whispered. “You, my beautiful twin sister, and her sweet beau, are going to have a gorgeous and beyond talented little angel baby?”

Krystal smiled. “Maybe.”

Emmy Lou was hugging her again. “Really? Really?” She was crying then. “When will you know?”

“Next week. Doctor’s appointment.” Krystal started crying, too. “I guess I always thought you would go first.” She nodded. “I mean, I needed you to go first so I could call you for advice and cry on you and know that you’d have the answers because you always do.”

“Looks like you get to do that for me.” Emmy hugged her sister again. “It’s about time we had something to celebrate, don’t you think? I’m so happy for you.” She’d hold on to that happiness for as long as she could.

* * *

Brock kept his gaze focused on the framed print of the Alamo on the set of Good Morning USA. His mic was on. The lights were beating down on him. And Emmy Lou had just taken her seat beside him, sitting as far away from him as she possibly could.

He’d been picturing this all morning. Not reacting. Not looking at her. Not wishing she’d give him a chance to explain. Was it frustrating that she believe he was capable of doing this to her? Yes. But with such damning pictures, he understood. Even if she would talk to him, he could only say so much. And it wasn’t enough to make her understand.

The host, Molly Harper, smoothed her red hair over her shoulder and smiled at them both. “It’s so good to see you, Emmy Lou. You look great. How’s the family?”

“We’re good.” Emmy smiled. “How about you? I saw that piece you did on insurance scams. That was scary stuff.”

“You’re telling me.” Molly nodded. “The terrible things people are capable of never fails to amaze me.”

Brock might have imagined Emmy’s glance his way. But he was pretty sure he hadn’t.

One of the camera crew pointed at Molly.

“Okay, we’re counting down.” Molly smiled. “Ready? Five, four, three…” She turned toward the camera. “Good morning, USA. We are right here in Austin, Texas, to talk to country music darling Emmy Lou King and football heartthrob Brock Watson. That’s right, we have Bremmy in the house.”

The studio audience clapped enthusiastically.

Brock felt sweat running down the middle of his back.

“It’s so nice to have you both here with us this morning.” Molly paused. “Can I just say, Emmy Lou, you are even more beautiful in person. Just wow.”