Her parents’ staring contest stretched on until the entire bus felt ready to combust. Eventually, Momma’s gaze lowered and she sighed.

“Hank.” Momma placed a hand on his shoulder. “You know everything I do is for you and our babies. If it means that much to you, of course I won’t publish it.”

Emmy Lou was stunned. Travis’s jaw dropped, regardless of the amount of cookie he had in his mouth.

What just happened? Did she mean it? It seemed so…so easy. Too easy. Especially since she couldn’t remember a time when Momma hadn’t won.

Her momma pressed a kiss to their father’s cheek and took his hand, catching sight of the folder. “Daddy showed you? What do you think? I’m pretty sure we are the first country music band to have this many locations and dates.”

“We’re still hammering things out.” Her father picked up the folder.

“What things?” Momma frowned, her gaze swiveling to Emmy. “Emmy Lou?” She sighed. “Tell me this isn’t about Brock Watson.”

“CiCi.” Her father sighed. “Let’s not start this up again.”

“What?” Momma shook her head. “Stepping up? Protecting her? Don’t you see that?” She rested her hand on Daddy’s arm. “Our baby girl is still pining for the man who broke her all those years ago.”

“Momma, what do you have against him?” She pressed her hands on the countertop. “Besides our breakup, years ago?”

“Em, you can’t be serious? Let’s set aside the fact that this Bremmy spectacle has restored his all-American-boy status. You’re not eating. You’re wasting away. Your father and I are making sure you get the best therapists and doctors and food, but we’re supposed to stand by while you attach yourself to someone who is toxic?”

Daddy frowned, his gaze shifting between the two of them. But he didn’t argue.

“What happens when he and his agent decide they don’t need us anymore?” Momma paused. “If your daddy hadn’t put in a good word with the owner of the Roughnecks, do you think Brock would have been drafted?”

“Now hold on.” Daddy shook his head. “That never happened. I was prepared to say something, but Ed had made up his mind about the boy long before I had a chance.”

Emmy Lou swallowed. “You mean he was signed on his own? Without using me?”

“Why are you trying to make me the villain, Emmy Lou? Because I’m so worried about this? It took you a year to get over that boy. A year. You didn’t sing; you barely smiled or ate. Now he’s back…” She shook her head, her eyes narrowing slightly. “You’re an adult. You have every right to make your own choices. But you need all the information to do that.”

Travis groaned. “Momma—”

Momma held up her hand. “Hear me out and I’ll leave it alone.”

“Fine,” Emmy murmured. Since there were witnesses, maybe she’d keep her word.

Momma risked a look at their father. “I went to see Brock in San Francisco, Emmy.”

“You did what?” Travis covered his mouth with his hands.

“CiCi.” Their father was just as stunned. “What are you thinking?”

“He was getting ready to entertain a young woman. While you and I and your sister were having sushi.” She shook her head, her reproachful tongue click following.

Emmy Lou’s gaze fell to the floor, knowing full well who he’d been waiting on. It wasn’t her mother’s business. None of this was.

Momma sighed. “Did he tell you he gave his ex-wife money? That they took a road trip to Georgetown, just the two of them?”

No, he hadn’t said a thing. About the money or the trip. But he would have had a reason. A good reason.

And yet, it was there. Doubt. About Brock. And his ex-wife. If she could just see him—just look in his eyes… All of the ingrained doubt and worry and insecurities resurfaced, twisting things so she wasn’t sure what was true.

“I think that’s enough.” Hank glanced her way, concern lining his face. “Emmy?”

“I’m fine, Daddy.” No, she wasn’t fine. Her insides were broken. But it wasn’t all Brock’s fault. Her mother had laid the groundwork long before he’d come into her life. She took a deep breath and met her mother’s gaze. “Why is it so hard for you to believe that someone just wants to love me?” I’m not going to cry. Momma thought she was weak enough without her expressing real emotion. “For no reason. No ulterior motive? Just to love me?”

Whoever spoke next, she didn’t know. She had to get out of there—had to breathe and be strong. She ignored the raised voices of her family, shut out their words, and hurried down the hall to her sleeping quarters. A few more steps and she’d be in her room. If she could hold it together until then… But she was crying by the time she reached the door, crying hard.