She brushed past him, pulling away from the hand he put on her shoulder.

“Everything okay?” Brock was waiting for her.

All the irritation and frustration melted away. She was so happy. Maybe a little too happy. But he was here. Finally. Big and beautiful and within touching distance. She couldn’t stop herself from smiling—she didn’t want to. There was a very real chance of her hugging him, right here and now and in front of everyone.

Until she saw his face.

Brock, scowling at Sawyer.

Sawyer, scowling at Brock.

Without another word, she squeezed between them and went to stand by the edge of the stage. Melanie hovered, holding Watson in his little cat purse. She didn’t say anything—something Emmy Lou was grateful for.

“Two minutes,” the production assistant said. “Let’s get your mic on.”

“Am I good?” she asked Melanie, running her hands along the pink-and-white polka-dot dress she wore beneath her rhinestone-studded white denim jacket. Her boots were light tan with the Three Kings logo stitched into the leather.

“You look great. But smile.” Melanie handed her the cat purse. “Have fun.” She waved.

“Maybe we should go get a spa day? What do you think, Watson? Just me and you?” Watson meowed in answer. “You think so? Me, too.”

“Em?” Brock interrupted Emmy and Watson’s conversation, the corner of his mouth kicking up. “You look beautiful.”

“Thanks. You did, too. Until you went all territorial back there with Sawyer. I have enough people protecting me,” she said.

His smile faded.

“Ladies and gentlemen, let’s welcome country superstar Emmy Lou King and football champion Brock Watson to the stage.” Elaine stood, giving them each a hug and kiss on the cheek. “We’re happy to have you both here.”

Emmy Lou pulled Watson out from his cat purse. “Three of us.”

Elaine “awwed” like the rest of the audience.

Conversation started with Drug Free Like Me and the matching program they were running for the rest of November. Elaine said she was going to out-donate Guy James and that she was a huge Bremmy fan.

“Now we’ll get to the important stuff. I have a list of general topic questions.” Elaine stood up. “Brock, you’re playing for this side of the audience. Emmy, this side is yours.”

“What are we playing for?” Brock asked, rubbing his hands together.

“It’s a surprise.” Elaine smiled. “Ready?”

Emmy wasn’t competitive by nature, but right now, she was up for it—especially if she beat Brock. “Ready.”

“What is the number one color picked as their favorite color?” Elaine asked.

“Blue!” Emmy yelled.

“Correct.” Elaine nodded. “Number two—”

“Hey, there’s no buzzer or raising your hand?” Brock asked, raising his hand.

“No, but thank you for the demonstration, Brock.” Elaine laughed. “Moving on. What is Brock’s favorite food?”

“Chicken fried steak.” Emmy jumped in again.

He sat back in his seat, pointing at his mouth. “The words were right there.”

By the time it was all over, Emmy Lou had won her side of the audience a copy of the Three Kings’ latest CD. But then Elaine gave CDs to Brock’s side, too—because that’s what Elaine did. Still, Emmy Lou had bragging rights.