Jace held the phone out to her, the only one to look remotely apologetic over her phone being snatched.

“Go ahead.” Emmy smiled. “I think Momma was the one who had the pictures taken. Or maybe Brock’s agent?”

All three of them looked at her.

“Like…an orchestrated sort of thing?” Travis scratched his head.

The bus door opened and Sawyer joined them, a large brown paper bag in hand. “Food.”

“I love you, man.” Travis smiled, reaching for the bag.

Sawyer opened the bag and handed Emmy a clear plastic to-go box.

In the span of four hours, Daddy had located an anorexia nervosa therapist willing to do video sessions and a dietitian who specialized in developing individual meal plans for people with eating disorders. “Thanks, Sawyer.” She managed a smile for him.

The corner of Sawyer’s mouth twitched down. “What’s happening?”

“Not sure, but it sounds like Momma is up to something.” Travis shrugged. “So, the norm.”

Sawyer nodded, taking the phone from Jace. His blue-green gaze shifted from the phone to Emmy.

“Go ahead. Everyone else already looked.” Emmy took a bite of yogurt and granola.

“Last night. Start from the beginning.” Krystal pulled Jace into the booth beside her. “Scoot over, Trav.”

“Hold on, let me take off my left arm and leg to make more room.” Travis shot Krystal a look.

“Okay.” Emmy took a deep breath. “He was there. We were happy to see each other. At least, I was happy to see him. Then Momma was there—”

“Hold up.” Travis held up his pointer finger. “We’re now admitting you have a thing for Brock? We’re now allowed to openly tease you and talk about it?”

Krystal covered Travis’s mouth. “What makes you think she had something to do with this?”

“She said so. She said we were happy to help Brock out, but we needed to keep our relationship mysterious for the Bremmy thing. How they couldn’t have planned something as perfect as Watson’s rescue.” She shook her head. “Some big plans for Brock’s career and future and how this is good for him.”

“So she implied Brock is using you…which I’m guessing hurt.” Krystal frowned. “And then implied you, we, were helping out because he needed help. Which would have hurt him.”

“She’s trying to keep them apart?” Jace asked, sitting back in the booth.

“Don’t you think that’s a little drastic?” Travis yawned. “A lot drastic?”

“Yes, it is. But have you met our mother?” Krystal asked. “Maybe she really believes she’s protecting Emmy. I mean, to give her the benefit of the doubt, Emmy was crushed by the way it ended last time.”

“Can I ask a question? If she’s just doing this to help Brock, what does she get out of it?” Sawyer asked, leaning against the kitchen counter. “Or what does he have on her?”

She blinked, staring at Sawyer. “Brock?”

“He’s got a point, Sis.” Krystal took her hand. “I know it sounds harsh and I know you and Momma have a better relationship then Momma and me. But bottom line, Momma would never do something for nothing. This isn’t adding up to me.”

An extended silence settled. She didn’t know what was more upsetting: her momma manipulating things to keep her from the only man she’d ever loved, that they were all considering this as a possibility, or that Brock was doing everything Momma said.

The bus doors opened again. Only this time, it was her father… and Momma, too. Momma, who looked less than her perfect self.

“That looks good, baby girl.” Daddy eyed her plate. “Strawberries.”

“Want one?” Emmy Lou held it up.

“That’s all yours.” He smiled. “I don’t know whether to be happy you’re all together or worry over what you’re all up to.”