Emmy’s gaze met his—sweeping over his face to linger on his mouth. Was she thinking about kissing him? Now? Considering the varying degree of hostility Krystal was sending him, she might use one of Aunt Mo’s knitting needles on him.

“News should be on.” Aunt Mo was clicking through the channels. “Found it. Oh my. Well, goodness. You look good, Brock. They never saw you coming.” She chuckled.

“The clip has people speculating,” the newscaster said. “Take a closer look.”

Brock glanced up to see video of himself—followed by video of Emmy. Once he’d been back on the sideline, he’d been looking for her. From the video, she’d done the same.

“I’m not the only one that thinks something is going on with these two.” The newscaster grinned.

“No, you’re not.” Krystal’s whisper wasn’t really a whisper.

“It’s got people talking. Hashtag #BrockplusEmmy is trending. We’ve come up with a survey, so you be sure to let us know. Are you pro-Brock and Emmy or anti-Brock and Emmy? We’ll say good night with another look at today’s excitement.” The clip played again, in slow motion, with dramatic music added.

Krystal had her hands press

ed to her mouth, trying not to laugh. “A survey? Seriously?”

Emmy Lou glanced Brock’s way, not nearly as amused. If anything, she looked panicked. Really panicked. “We should go.” She stood, cradling the kitten.

Krystal caught sight of Emmy then. “Right, we should.”

“You girls come back real soon and stay awhile.” Aunt Mo clicked off the television.

“We will, Aunt Mo. We’ll clean up real quick.” Emmy nodded, heading down the hall, Krystal on her heels.

“You listen to me, Brock.” Aunt Mo pushed out of her chair, whispering. “I’m not sure you’ve been right since the two of you went south, but I’m telling you now, leave those past hurts alone. Seems a shame to let a second chance at happiness slip away.” She hugged him, giving his back a solid pat. “I’ll mind my own business now.”

He chuckled. “We’ll see about that.”

Once Emmy Lou and Krystal came back, they gave Aunt Mo hugs, exchanged quick goodbyes, and headed to the door. Whatever had set her off, Emmy looked on the verge of flight.

“You two have everything?” he asked, following them onto the front porch.

Krystal rolled her eyes. “Yes.” She mouthed Hurry at Emmy and ran to the waiting black Mustang with sparkling silver racing stripes.

“Everything okay?” They were in such a hurry, it seemed like a valid question.

“I just… Momma… You don’t know Momma.” She shrugged, tension bracketing her mouth. “We need to get home.”

He knew CiCi King well enough to know that she and Emmy Lou were close. CiCi had made damn sure he understood that. His gaze raked over her face. Or were they?

“Thank you for…everything.” She opened her mouth, then stopped.

“Let’s go, Em,” Krystal called from the driver’s side window, then looked his way. “I’ll be sure to send you the survey results.” With a sassy wave, she rolled up the window and headed down the dirt road back to the highway.

Brock stared after the red taillights with a million questions running through his mind. Aunt Mo had said to forget the past and start fresh. If he did that, only one question was left. Was Emmy willing to give them a second chance? Hell, did she even want to?

Chapter 11

Emmy Lou sat on the velvet-covered stool in her hotel bathroom. The illuminated mirror highlighted the shadows beneath her eyes. Watson sat on the vanity, batting her powder puff across the white marble countertop. “Sure, go ahead. I was done with that.” She smiled as the kitten swatted the puff onto the floor.

Watson meowed, looking at her, then the puff, then her again.

“You want your toy back?” She asked, tapping his nose and earning the beginnings of a rumbling growl.

“I thought that was for makeup?” Krystal ran her fingertip along the edge of her ruby-red lined lips.

Watson meowed, leaning forward so Emmy would give his little head a rub. She did. “What? You’re just as gaga over Clem as I am over Watson,” Emmy said.