She stared down at the wide-eyed kitten. Which was worse? That her actions could land him with a substantial penalty and prevent him from playing once he’d been cleared to come back? Or that he might have reinjured himself protecting her?

She was all smiles and waves en route to her family’s box. But once she was inside and there were no prying eyes or cameras, she sat, kitten held close, and slumped down in her seat. For all the kitten’s fluff, the little thing felt fragile in her hold. “Melanie?” Emmy asked. “Can you get the kitten some milk or cream or something?”

“I’m on it.” Melanie nodded and hurried from the box.

“Little thing all right?” Daddy took one look at her and patted her knee. “Ankle okay?”

The kitten curled up in her lap and began purring. “I think so.” She hadn’t given a thought to her ankle. She ran a hand over its silky fur, shaking her head. What was I thinking?

“Can’t deny it didn’t liven things up a bit.” Daddy winked and turned around, leaning forward on his elbows to watch the game.

Travis was sitting behind her. As soon as their father was preoccupied with the game, he leaned in and whispered, “That was interesting. Brock going all Hulk protecting you.”

Yes. No. He was in trouble. Because of her. Not that she’d made him run after her…but he had. “Not now.” She frowned at her brother, shooting a silent plea at her sister and Jace.

Krystal rolled her eyes. “Give it a rest, Trav.”

“What?” Travis’s gaze narrowed. “She should know how many people ran after her.”

“How many?” This wasn’t bad—this was a nightmare. “I didn’t mean to get anyone in trouble.” The kitten was asleep on its back, paws in the air, fluffy tummy exposed.

“It’s okay, Em.” Krystal pushed Travis’s shoulder. “Can you please be nice? She’s upset.”

“I didn’t do anything.” Travis sighed. “Don’t sweat it. Brock was the only one. You’d barely put one foot on that field and he was already covering you. Pure instinct.”

Brock had fast reflexes. He was acting on instinct. It didn’t mean anything.

“I noticed that.” Jace nodded, looking her way. “Not exactly a tool move. More like a good, decent guy thing to do.”

“Exactly.” Travis nodded. “Decent. Unless he’s after something.” He was smiling from ear to ear. “You’ll have to talk to him to figure out what that might be.” He winked. “Or you can let a different instinct kick in. Sex can diffuse a lot of tension. I agree with Jace, you’ve got options.”

“No.” Jace shook, looking downright horrified. “I didn’t say that at all.”

Emmy could only shake her head. Just when she thought her brother couldn’t do or say something to shock her, he did. “You’re going to bring that up now?”

“That? You mean sex? Yes. Jace and I are both guys. Might want to listen to us.” Travis nodded, on the verge of laughter.

Jace opened his mouth but Krystal cut him off. “There’s no point, Jace. He thinks he’s hilarious.”

“Stop worrying.” Travis was laughing now. “You know what’s good for stress? Se—”

“Travis, if you say or hint about…sex one more time…” Emmy’s words ended when their father glanced back at them.

“You’ll what?” Travis asked, smiling.

“I don’t know.” She stroked the kitten’s tummy. “I hope his leg is okay…” And just like that, she’d said too much.

Krystal gave her a long look. “Nobody made him, Em.” She sighed. “I mean, I don’t like him. But…what he did didn’t suck, okay? Let’s leave it at that.” She paused, shrugged, and looked at the kitten. “It’s so cute. Think Clementine will eat it?”

Emmy looked down at the tiny scrap of fur. “I hope not.”

“Em?” Krystal groaned. “I can’t believe I’m going to say this but maybe Travis is right.”

Travis whispered. “Sex will fix everything.” He burst into laughter.

“No,” Krystal snapped. “About Brock keeping an eye on you. Not all stalker-y—just aware. Of you. He always was that way with you.”

“Who knows? Some good press might keep him from getting fired.” Travis shrugged, then winced as Krystal smacked him in the back of the head.