“Glad that whole ‘no phones’ thing is being reinforced,” their manager, Steve, snapped.

Krystal rolled her eyes. Steve didn’t seem to grasp the significance of their fandom. Without their fans, he’d be out of a job. Leaked videos and pictures normally helped keep them relevant and on the charts.

“It’s you and Jace,” Emmy added.

Krystal paused then, glancing at the phone. There they were, singing. Leaning in…invested in each other, in the moment and the song. Her chest grew heavy, her lungs light. The hum and buzz they’d ignited onstage instantly sparked to life. It had been an incredible performance. Vulnerable and raw. And, possibly, revealing. Or maybe she was just being paranoid. Hopefully, she was. First the pictures, now this. It was all an illusion. She’d been at this game long enough to know that.

“Views are climbing.” Emmy Lou nodded. “Looks like you’ve got a serious fan base, Jace.”

“Bet ninety percent of them are chicks.” Travis chuckled. “You’ve increased your dating pool by a few thousand.”

“Travis.” Emmy Lou’s disapproval was adorable—because she was always adorable.

Krystal was not. With her nerves on edge, it wouldn’t take much to trigger a full-on vent at her brother. Which he would love. Going off the handle now would only give Travis more leverage in the whole crushing-on-Jace thing.

But the

truth was something different. There was no crush. Crushes implied something sweet and innocent. Her response to Jace Black was anything but. She was a woman—he was all man. That was why she couldn’t give in to the urges and cravings he caused. Because it would be all too easy to lose herself in Jace.

In the end, this whole good-guy thing wouldn’t last. It never did. She was too smart to set herself up for a guaranteed heartache. She would be strong. Resist.

“Good job, man, good job.” Jace’s agent was all smiles. Unlike Steve, he still had that new agent giddiness. “Killer show. All of you.”

Krystal’s hand was shaking when she reached for the greenroom door. What if Heather didn’t like her? What if this was just a colossal mistake? Travis was going to make this unbearable.

“Krystal?” Travis asked, brushing her hand aside and opening the greenroom door.

“I can’t believe this!” It was almost a scream. “Ohmygawdohmygawd…seriously?”

It was the look on Jace’s face that set her mind at ease. He was smiling ear to ear, hurrying into the greenroom. She followed.

Jace was spinning Heather around, still smiling like a fool.

“His sister?” Travis asked, watching.

She nodded.

“You did this?” Emmy Lou’s voice wavered. She had enough sentimentality for the three of them. “Krystal.” She hugged her sister. “You did a good thing.”

She hugged her sister back, watching Jace and Heather’s reunion. “He missed her.”

“Little sisters.” Travis sighed, draping an arm over their shoulders. “You’re pests, but you’re our pests.”

Krystal smiled and swatted his chest. Emmy Lou smiled and rested her head on his shoulder.

“I can’t believe I’m here.” Heather was beet red and staring. “I can’t believe you’re here.” She clung to Jace’s arm. “This whole night.”

“Right there with you.” Jace nodded. “Pretty unreal.”

“You were amazing.” Heather smiled up at him. “I was all, that’s my brother—who swears he can’t sing. Up there. Singing with Krystal King.” Her brown eyes met Krystal’s. “You’re like the single coolest person ever.” The way Heather was looking at her, she almost believed the girl.

Travis pushed her forward. “She has her moments.”

Krystal smiled. “It’s nice to meet you, Heather.”

Heather hugged her. “Thank you, so much. I wanted to be here, but there was no way. Thank you.”

Krystal hugged her back. “You needed to be here.”