“Stop dragging me.” She tugged her arm, but Hollis held tight.

“Stop arguing,” he bit back, glancing over his shoulder to see Anders take down the wolf. He pressed the button on the elevator, frantic to get her to safety.

“Hollis,” Ellen’s tone turned soft. “Where is Kim?”

“Dammit.” He couldn’t leave Kim undefended. “Kim?” Hollis called out, impatient. “Kim!” Expanding his lungs to yell hurt like a son of a bitch.

The elevator opened.

“Dr. Hollis?” She crawled out from under the desk, wide-eyed and breathing hard. “What’s happening?”

“I’ll tell you upstairs.” Hollis waved her forward. “Hurry.” He glanced out the open doors, the noise and chaos outside had his wolf on high alert. But no one was coming.

Kim glanced outside, her mouth dropping open. “Oh my God. Should we call the police?” She paused. “Who are they?”

“Kim,” he snapped. “Elevator.”

She ran in and pressed herself flat against the back wall. “Who’s fighting? Why?”

“There are no simple answers to those questions,” Hollis said, hitting the elevator button. He pressed a hand to his side. Cyrus had cut deep, piercing a lung and cracking a rib. Unlike his shoulder injury, this one hadn’t healed well while he’d been in wolf form.

“I can stand, Hollis,” Ellen murmured, pulling from his hold. She pressed a hand to her head, swaying on her feet, until she rested her weight against the wall. “I’m fine,” she added.

“You can barely stay on your feet, Ellen. You’re not fine.” It took everything he had not to pull her into his arms.

Kim whispered, “Her head is bleeding.”

“We’ll need the first aid kit,” Hollis said.

“So is you shoulder.” Kim pointed. “And your side.” She paused. “Are you sure we shouldn’t call an ambulance?”

“I’m sure.” Hollis nodded. Gentry and Brown had plenty of connections to help them. But this was going to require a hell of a lot of clean up first. His chest rattled with each breath.

“Silver?” Ellen asked.

He nodded. “I think so. It still aches.”

“Bastard,” she hissed. “Cyrus,” she clarified.

“Yes,” he agreed. “He was.”

Her eyes opened, her gaze locking with his. “Was,” she whispered. “You were stabbed with silver and you still managed to shift back? You are a mighty wolf, Hollis Robbins.”

“A mighty what?” Kim stammered.

Her question hung, unanswered, until the elevator doors opened.

“I’ll get the medical kit,” Kim said, pausing at his side. “You’re naked, Dr. Hollis.”

He helped Ellen from the elevator, slid on his lab coat, and pulled an ice pack from the freezer. “Here.” He pressed it against the back of Ellen’s head, grimacing when she winced.

“I’m okay. It’s nothing.” Ellen said, covering his hand with hers. Her mismatched gaze held him captive. “I’m fine.”

His other hand reached up, cradling her cheek. Touching her eased some of his fear and worry. Still, there were things that needed to be said.

The elevator doors opened. Kim moved quickly, holding the medical kit, hiding behind Hollis and Ellen for protection. But it was Finn and the pack, bloody and disheveled, but in one piece.

“It’s over?” he asked.