“I’ll make sure she rests and take good care of the three of them.” The tenderness in Finn’s voice triggered something.

Ellen’s throat tightened sharply, making it hard to breathe. She had no such memories of William save what Byron had shown her. There was no remembered tenderness or moments of love. When she thought of William, tenderness was the last thing she felt. Especially now. Anger. Sadness. And, always, the need to act. What would life be like to have such a bond? To have someone looking out for her, caring for her, wanting her companionship. Such thoughts were foreign to her. And pointless.

Hollis was watching her, she could feel it. But she refused to acknowledge him until they were alone. She didn’t want him analyzing her or dissecting her thoughts. But once she looked his way, her wolf had no interest in looking elsewhere. She’d wanted to stay angry. Her wolf overruled.

He stared right back. Sharp eyes, vibrant and beautiful. A good face, thoughtful and strong. Strikingly handsome. Even with a bend in his nose. She’d never noticed that before. But she rarely stared at him—before. “You broke your nose?” she asked, desperate to break the thickening silence.

His brow creased. “When I was a child.”

Hollis as a child. “I can’t imagine it. Were you a serious child?” Her fingertip itched to trace the line of his nose. “Already collecting bugs and putting them in jars to study them?” Red stained his cheeks, making her smile. She’d guessed right.

“Sometimes.” He cleared his throat. “I was a boy. Climbing trees, skipping rocks, and getting in trouble for smarting off.”

“Always telling people how wrong they were? Is that how your nose was broken?” she asked, easily imagining that.

He shook his head.

“I think it is,” she argued. “When you weren’t smarting off and getting punched in the face, you laughed? And smiled?”

One eyebrow arched, a reluctant smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. “Yes.”

He would have been a beautiful child. Big green eyes and curly red hair. Enchanting. “I might have liked that Hollis,” she murmured, her gaze falling to his lips.

Hollis green eyes traveled her face, searching her eyes. “You like me.” His smile grew.

Her wolf would like it better if he was kissing her. Touching her. This was dangerous territory. It would be easier if they didn’t like each other. Her wolf, however, was the problem. And his wolf, there, eager to break free, staring at her from his brilliant green eyes. So close, close enough to touch. She wanted to touch him.

“And you like me,” she whispered. Whether or not he did, wasn’t the problem. His wolf did. And that was a very serious problem.

Chapter Ten

Like? No. He did not like her. He didn’t know what the hell this was? But he couldn’t shake it. Things like the ridge of her shoulder blade, the angle of her neck, and her slightly parted lips had him mesmerized. He was standing there, staring at her, and he couldn’t do a thing about it.

“Are you taking me with you because it’s what Finn wants?” Her words were thick and husky—pure and devastating temptation.

His brain was shorting out and she expected him to answer questions? “Finn is Alpha.” It was the first thing that crossed his mind. And safe.

Wrong answer. She went rigid, her gaze falling from his.

Fuck. He was never any good at hiding things. No point doing it now. Fuck it. “It’s what I want, too.” True. And dangerous to admit.

Her posture eased instantly. “Is it? Why?”

His chuckle was tight and forced. “I’m not sure.”

“No?” A slight smile, almost curious, curved one side of her lips. One green eye, one blue—both fixed warily on him. “My wolf might take it as an invitation.”

“For what?” he asked.

She smiled then, biting her lip, and turning back to the kitchen counter.

For what? He ran a hand over his face. He needed to hear her say it? Out loud? So he could further torment himself? Her wolf wanted him. And he wanted her. Which was stupid. Dangerous. Reckless. But, the way she sauntered across the room and straddled her stool, it was impossible to look away. She picked up her fork, then stabbed a bite, the pie disappearing into her mouth. She took her time sliding the fork out from behind her full lips.

“You enjoy that?” He crossed the room, standing close enough to breathe her in. Heaven and hell wrapped up in one spitfire package.

She smiled up at him. “Teasing you?”

The steady weight of her gaze made his pants unexpectedly tight.