Hollis slumped into the easy chair then. It was easier to breathe and think, knowing she wasn’t immediately in harm’s way. She’d fight this, fight him, but the pack would have his back. He had to find a way to show her this was where she belonged. And, together, they could beat Cyrus without anyone else dying.

When baby Diana started to fuss, Finn headed out. “Hollis,” he called, leading him down the hallway and into the living room. “How did the conference call go?”

The conference call he’d almost forgotten since his run-in with Ellen. He drew in a slow, calming breath. “It went well, but I’d like to be there when they implement the new protocols.”

He paused. “I’d like to fly to San Antonio for a few days.”

Finn nodded. “When?”

The sooner he went, the sooner he could come back. “Is tomorrow too soon?”

Finn shook his head. “That’s fine. Take Ellen with you. The break might do her some good. We’ve a full week until the next full moon.”

Hollis sucked in a deep breath. Leaving her made him…anxious. But he and Ellen, alone in the residential hotel he called home, was dangerous. Now that she’d woken up whatever the fuck this was, he had no idea how to control it. “I’m not sure that’s a good idea.”

Finn looked at him. “Why?”

How the hell was he supposed to answer that? “I can’t watch her and work. It would be easy for her to leave.”

“Mal and Olivia can go with you,” Finn answered quickly. “Pick up some things. Have a little break. Give us a little break from them.” He smiled.

He hadn’t meant to sigh. But he did. And Finn heard his irritation loud and clear.

“She really gets to you?” he asked, a small smile forming on his lips.

“You have no idea,” Hollis ground out.

“I might.” Finn glanced at his daughter.

He shook his head. “Why does everyone automatically assume this is about that?” When he’d had her in his arms, the last thing he’d felt was tenderness. He’d wanted her. Craved her. Needed to dominate her. All firsts for him.

“It’s not?” Finn frowned.

“If you want me to take her with me, I will.” He didn’t want to talk about this with Finn. Closing things off, shutting things out, he could do that.

Finn’s eyes narrowed slightly. “I do.”

Hollis ran a hand through his hair and tried like hell not to reveal his frustration. “Is this some sort of test?”

Finn’s brows rose. “Hell no. If you really can’t handle taking her—”

“Fine,” he pushed the word out. Handle her? Unlikely.

Finn’s slow nod only irritated him more. “I’ll tell Mal and Olivia and make sure the plane is ready in the morning. How long will you be gone?”

“Two nights. No more than three.” Between Mal and Olivia’s regular display of affection and the way he was still burning for Ellen, two would definitely be better.

Finn chuckled. “I’ve known you for a hell of a long time, Hollis. This isn’t something you’re going to be able to get a hold of. Believe me, I tried.” He smiled. “I get where you’re coming from. Life is complicated enough as it is. And Ellen isn’t what you’d call an uncomplicated woman.” He shifted his daughter to his other arm. “But you don’t have a choice here. You want to keep her close and protect her because, for whatever reason, she’s special…and necessary. Fighting it won’t stop it from happening. If your wolf has chosen, you will, too.”

It didn’t help to hear Finn describe exactly how he felt about Ellen. When or how or why she was necessary, he didn’t know. But, dammit, it couldn’t be like that—couldn’t happen. “I don’t have a fucking wolf,” he reminded Finn. “No wolf. No mate. None of that applies to me.” He leveled a long, cold glare at his Alpha.

But Finn just kept right on laughing.

She waited until the house was quiet before venturing out of her room. Nerves frayed, back-up, and in a pissy mood, she wasn’t up for company. And punching one of the pack in the face wasn’t likely to improve their feelings about her. But she was starving enough to risk a run-in. As long as Hollis was nowhere to be seen, she’d be fine.

The log in the fire popped, causing her to jump. “Shit,” she hissed.