Mal snorted. “That’s not her job.”

“She feels differently,” Hollis argued. “Death sentence or not, she’s going back. She’s determined to finish this. For our pack, our wolves.”

“No.” Olivia’s voice broke. “You can’t let her.”

Mal’s nod was tight.

“Fuck,” Dante’s whisper was soft. “I didn’t know.”

“Your time with them was hell on earth.” Finn looked at Mal. “That’s been her life for who knows how long. She has every right to want vengeance,” Finn spoke calmly. “But she is one of us now.”

“How do we convince her of that?” Anders asked. “No offense to Ellen, but she’s downright prickly when she wants to be.”

“Being nice to her is a good place to start,” Olivia said, elbowing Mal in the side. “She’s tough because she has to be.”

Hollis couldn’t argue with Anders’s description or Olivia’s insight. But the Ellen he’d pressed against the door not five minutes ago was anything but prickly. He cleared his throat, moving across the room to pour himself a glass of water.

“Sounds like Hollis has an in.” The amusement in Mal’s voice drew all eyes his way.

“I do?” He took a long sip of his water.

“Um, yea. You’re sleeping with her.” Dante sat on the edge of the desk, grinning when Hollis choked on his water.

Anders chuckled. “Never pegged you for being so adventurous.”

“Is she your mate?” Finn asked.

He set his cup down with more force than he intended. “I’m not sleeping with her.”

They waited.

“She’s fallen asleep in the lab.” He cleared his throat.

“Then why is she always touching you?” Anders added. “She’s nicest to you.”

“He’s nice to her,” Olivia explained, her hazel gaze searching his. “I don’t think she’s had many people be nice to her.”

Hollis stared into his glass. She wouldn’t thank him for sharing what little he knew with them. But he wasn’t done. “We can’t let her leave,” he said. “If she goes, she dies.”

“You’re asking me to keep her here?” Finn asked.

Hollis nodded, ignoring the variety of expressions the pack wore. They could interpret his request however they wanted. As long as Ellen didn’t leave, he was happy.

“You’re not sleeping with her…yet.” Mal chuckled.

Olivia punched him in

the arm.

“I don’t know who to feel sorrier for.” Anders winked at him. “You for having to tame the wolf. Or her for having to break yours free.”

“Her, definitely her.” Dante chuckled.

“Can we stick to the facts?” Hollis snapped. “It’s not about getting laid, goddamn it. It’s about saving her life.”

The room fell silent again.

Finn nodded. “She’s not going anywhere, Hollis.”