“I wasn’t asking.” Ellen smiled. “One way or another, you’re going to answer all my questions.”

Tess backed up, panic on her face. “They will protect me.” She pointed at the door. “No matter what you say, they won’t believe you over me.”

Ellen grabbed the girl’s hand. “Will they? Maybe it doesn’t matter.” She gripped one of Tess’s fingers between her thumb and forefinger. “Maybe I need to tear something into pieces?” She paused. “You’re already weak. Sick. Like the rest of the Others. No one here would miss you. Your father is the only one who truly cares about you, and he might not survive what you did to him.”

Anger, regret, and, finally, fear, registered on Tess’s face. Too little, too late. Tess had made her choice. Now she would suffer the consequences.

“There’s nothing you could do to stop me. Nothing.” Ellen snapped the finger with ease, pulling a sharp scream from the other woman.

The thundering of footsteps signaled the pack’s arrival. When the door hit the wall, Ellen turned—still holding Tess’s hand. Hollis was first, taking in the situation with a frown. And Finn, eyes wide and ready, was breathing hard.

This was her chance. “Tell them the truth. You owe your father that much.”

Finn was Alpha, he needed to know. If Tess wasn’t willing to speak up, she hoped Finn would let her do what needed to be done to pull the truth from the foolish girl.

“What’s going on?” Finn’s pale-blue eyes narrowed, as if assessing. “Ellen?” It was a warning.

One Ellen ignored. “Tess?” Answers were all the mattered. Then Finn would understand, they all would.

Tess sniffed. Her chin quivered. Poor and pathetic. Cyrus had trained her well.

Ellen’s patience evaporated. “There are nine more,” she offered. “No, wait, Hollis ask Gentry for his silver knives.” She glanced at Hollis, hoping he would follow her lead. “My weapon of choice. Cyrus and Byron taught you to ensnare and trap, they taught me how to shield and disable. It takes skill to draw out the suffering without too much blood loss. What point is there in proper torture if your captive loses consciousness?” She smiled.

“Is that necessary?” Hollis asked.

She nodded, staring at Finn—needing him to listen.

Finn’s nod was slight, but enough. “Tess. Is there something yo

u’d like to tell us?”

Tess burst into tears.

“Enough,” Ellen snapped. “Where are the tears for your father? He has loved you, looked for you, never gave you up. And you do this to him.” She pointed at Brown, still and silent on his bed. “Finn and this pack welcomed you into their home and still you led Byron here knowing what he wanted.” She paused. “Look at your father, Tess. Look at him. Will you cry if he doesn’t wake up?”

“He is strong—”

“He is human,” Ellen reminded her. “Humans are more breakable, more vulnerable. They die from things like being shot. And if he dies, you are to blame. Know that.” She shook her head. “Just as you are dying, too. It started the day Cyrus turned you. Your time is close, Tess, so choose to die with honor. Tell them the truth.”

“Your version of the truth.” Tess stared at her with pure hatred. “You’re trying to scare me.”

Ellen ignored her, and the flare of pity she felt. Tess was an Other, conditioned to be at Cyrus’s beck and call. What she’d done today had put them all in jeopardy. She had to remember that—remember Tess deserved no sympathy.

“What happened, Tess?” Finn asked.

Tess sniffed, wiping her nose with the back of her hand. She was so young. Pretty, even. But she’d been tainted by her time with the Others.

Tess’s pale gaze locked with Finn’s, then fell, her cheeks flaming red. “H-he wasn’t supposed to follow me,” Tess whispered. “He was supposed to stay here. Byron said he’d be safe.”

“Safe?” Anger rolled off of Finn. “You honestly think your father would stand by and let Byron take my family? Or you? Jesus Christ, Tess, I know you’ve been with those motherfuckers for a long time but come on.” He shook his head, his eyes flashing. “Byron would have killed everyone who stood in his way. Including you.”

Tess sobbed then, shaking her head. “He loved me. He would never—”

“Love? You were his mate?” Ellen asked, wishing she could pity the woman.

Tess sniffed, anger flashing in her eyes. “No.” Her gaze darted between Hollis and Finn “But he’d said we were meant to be—”

“You’re more stupid than I thought if you believe that. Did it make it easier to betray them, thinking he’d make you his mate?” Ellen stood back, her grip tightening on Tess’s hand. “You were an Other long enough to know the pack. You know what they would do with the children. And Jessa? The woman who’s been so kind to you. Think of what they would do to her…” She glanced at the door, hoping Jessa wasn’t among them.