“No, you can’t,” he argued, carrying her to the center of the coat. He set her down, tilting her head back and looking in her eyes. “You’re running a fever.” He sighed, his gaze sweeping her face. “How do you feel?”

Was he serious? She shook her head.

“Bad?” he asked.

She glanced at his shoulder, blinking. “Worse than I thought.” She stared harder. “I thought—I’m delusional.” There was a cut on his shoulder, but there was no way the blade she’d seen had been inside it.

A snap in the trees made him spin to stand in front of her.

It wasn’t the first time she’d been face-to-face with his butt. Hanging upside down over his shoulder, she’d had nothing else to look at on their trek to freedom. It was impressive. But then, so wa

s the rest of him. His muscles were intimidating, the number of scars on his body assuring her they weren’t purely for looks. Her gaze traveled up, taking in the mess that was his back. A scar ran along his side, between his shoulder blades, and below his waist. Maybe he’d had a skin graft? Whatever the reason, the man had been through serious trauma.

Tonight included.

Her head was pounding. Her accelerated pulse thrummed in her ears, so deafening she almost missed the nearby howl of a wolf. His words came back to her then. We’re not alone. Was it too much to ask for a break? And a nap? And maybe some antibiotics or something? Like a blanket. “When you say we’re not alone—you mean wolves?” she whispered, terrified once more.

“They’re curious,” he murmured back, as if it was no big deal.

She peered into the dark that surrounded them, her heart coming to an abrupt halt at the dozens of round eyes staring back at her. She shifted closer to him, petrified. But the slight effort stole her strength. Resting against his leg hadn’t been the plan, but he was solid and warm and oddly comforting. Even if he was naked. And wearing a silver collar. This was the most peculiar night of her life.

She shivered. “I don’t want to be eaten,” she mumbled.

He chuckled. “I’ll try to remember that.”

Her arm twined around his leg, her vision wavering. “Why aren’t you scared?” she asked. She was scared. Of…everything.

“They don’t want to hurt us. They want to make sure we won’t hurt them.” His hand brushed the top of her head.

“No threat here,” she murmured. “Promise.” She blinked once, then again, so weak she couldn’t stay upright. Her arms slipped free, and she fell back on the coat. She stared up at the stars, shivering, the world spinning. Pressing her eyes shut didn’t help. Snatches of the last few days flickered. Her brother Chase being beaten to a pulp. Throwing herself between her brother and the giant. The blade cutting through her thigh and slicing up. Her brother leaving her. Where was Chase? Was he safe? “I need to find my brother,” she said, opening her eyes.

The man grunted, standing over her—a gorgeous naked sentry. “The one that left you?”

Good point. “He’s in danger,” she added, unable to tear her gaze from him. She’d never seen a naked man before. Being a virgin these days was a rarity, but her love life was cursed, with a dead boyfriend and a dead fiancé to prove it. It didn’t help that her brother was super-protective.

“And you’re not?” he asked, glancing down to find her staring at him. His jaw clenched tightly.

“You just said they wouldn’t hurt us,” she whispered. “Besides, I’m not sure any of this—or the last however long it’s been—is real.” She reached out, poking his leg before stroking along his muscled calf. His skin quivered beneath her touch…or was she imagining that, too? She’d never been this imaginative before. “You feel real. Are you dangerous?” She thought about the chain and collar.

“You have no idea.” He sounded dangerous.

She closed her eyes. “I can protect myself. I’ve been kickboxing for six years so I can kick your butt. Normally.”

He snorted. “You’re a pain in my ass.”

“Then why not leave me in the cage? You didn’t have to carry me out here.” It was so cold.

He made an odd growling in the back of his throat, forcing her eyes open again. He was staring at her, unguarded and slightly terrifying.

“Brought me out here to feed me to the wolves?” she asked.

“Then I would have left you.” His words were hard.

She was shivering, her teeth clacking together. She wrapped her arms around herself but couldn’t curl up. Moving her leg wasn’t an option—it hurt too much. If she had a choice, she’d avoid experiencing more pain tonight.

His gaze left hers, searching the utter darkness that surrounded them. He seemed to ease, somewhat, before looking back at her. “Fucking nightmare,” he muttered, laying down at her side.

“I thought so,” she agreed. “None of this is happening.” It was a relief. None of it was real—but she could enjoy the good parts. She moaned with pure delight as his arms came around her. He pulled her back against the wall of his chest, enveloping her in blissful warmth. She moaned again, snuggling closer. How could his imaginary touch make her feel…better? She didn’t know, she didn’t care. She wanted more. Her hands covered his arm, pressing his hands against her stomach and holding on to him. She wriggled closer, pressing herself flush against him.