Sharp, musky, pungent. Bear.

The wolf ran faster.

He and the rest of Finn’s pack were bigger than the average timber wolf—bigger teeth, bigger ears, bigger everything. And strong. Dangerously lethal. It made him a merciless killing machine—one most animals feared. Maybe that’s why the bear had been dragging Olivia away. It had sensed that Mal was a threat.

He charged through the trees, following the tracks—too much blood—until he saw her. Olivia, crying, her arms flailing over her head, her hands tearing at small saplings seeking some sort of hold. It wouldn’t make a difference. A grizzly bear lugged her behind. Without him, Olivia didn’t stand a chance.

He didn’t hesitate. His howl split the air, adrenaline and power coursing through him.

The bear turned, dropping Olivia’s leg, and reared up. It was big, posturing, baring its teeth and roaring.

Challenge accepted.

Mal glanced at Olivia, her blood turning the white snow a brilliant, horrible red. She was crying, trying to crawl into the trees. He wanted to yell at her to stay still—she was bleeding too much. And then the grizzly’s frying-pan-size paw sent him a good fifteen feet into the air and back—it’s claws leaving gouges deep in his muscles.

Mal jumped up, circling until he could spring onto the bear’s back. He sank his teeth into its shoulder, unable to reach its neck, and was rewarded by the hot tang of blood in his mouth. The bear tried to shake him loose, but Mal leaped free, taking a hunk of the bear with him.

All the rage he’d been suppressing took over. The urge to kill, the spurt of blood and the weakening of his foe, was all that mattered. Rational thought vanished in a haze of blinding red fury.

/> It wasn’t a quick fight. The bear was big. But Mal was determined. He wore it down, nipping and clawing, aiming for arteries or a debilitating blow. When the bear grabbed Olivia by the ankle, Mal’s fury knew no bounds. Having his back leg snapped didn’t stop him from sinking his teeth into the bear’s throat. He held on until he felt the give of artery and tendon. It was done. The bear released Olivia and hobbled into the tree line, Mal let him go.

Mal ran to Olivia’s side. He circled, sniffing her. The bear had torn into her wounded leg, its teeth leaving an angry open wound. It was a miracle she wasn’t already dead. The wolf howled again and again, unable to bear the thought of losing her.

And dammit, neither could Mal.

He whimpered, desperate to save her.

“I give you permission to eat me,” she muttered, blood covering her chest and leg. “If you’ll let me die first, please?” She was serious, he could tell. If he’d been in human form, he’d laugh—then tell her to be strong. But with her wounds, she couldn’t tough this out, and no tourniquet would make this better. Something hard and jagged settled into his chest.

Save her. It was a plea.

No, he couldn’t do that to her. Death was peaceful…

She held her hand out, startled when he pressed his head into her hand. Why did her touch have to ease him?

“I don’t want to die,” she said, crying then, covering her face with her hands and sobbing uncontrollably.

Don’t let her die. The wolf pleaded.

He couldn’t leave her alone to deal with this. He shifted quickly, knowing he’d feel it in his muscles and joints later. “Olivia?” he gasped.

“Mal?” Her voice was panicked, her hands dropped from her face. “Run, Mal! You have to run. There’s a wolf. And a bear.”

“Hush,” he argued, inspecting her injuries while fighting for control.

Save her. His wolf demanded it.

“Don’t…hush me. I’m dying, I think.” She stared at him, her hazel eyes clear and huge in her pale face. She’d lost so much blood. “You’re a gorgeous man, Mal. I’m glad I got to kiss you before I die.” Her hand rose, trembling, so he took it in his.

“You’re a beautiful woman, Olivia Chase.” He cleared his throat, knowing he should swallow back the words that tried to force their way out. Death was a natural part of life. People died all the time. Sometimes naturally, sometimes not. Olivia Chase was a sweet girl, someone who’d had something horrible happen to her. But that didn’t mean he was supposed to step in and change her fate. He’d promised his pack. He knew how fucked up this life was. But the words came out anyway. He couldn’t stop them—maybe he didn’t want to. “Let me save you,” he whispered.

There was nothing his wolf wanted more.

A furrow formed between her brows. “Save me?”

“The life you know won’t exist anymore.” His voice was raw. “It will be harsher, more violent.” She stared at him, fading. “You have to decide now, Olivia.”

She blinked, coughed, a trickle of blood spilling over her full lower lip.