He frowned. “Nothing.”

She hesitated, her mind working ahead. “A car seat?” she asked.

He shook his head.

“They won’t let us take him without a car seat,” she argued.

His frown increased. “I’m sure they will—”

“No, Mr. Dean, it’s the law,” she assured him, trying not to smile. “The law is the law, even for you.”

He laughed, surprising her. “Fine. A car seat. And where do we get a car seat?”

She smiled. “Two blocks up, on the left. They should have them at Klemp’s Store.”

Chapter Two

Finn watched Jessa Talbot read over the safety brochures attached to the infant car seats. Her scent had been damn-near crippling since she’d closed herself in his office. He’d hoped the dumpy, aging redhead in accounting had been Jessa Talbot. She definitely wasn’t. His wolf was thrilled—and on the verge of taking control. Just his luck.

A distraction. A dangerous distraction.

He would never have hired this woman for that very reason.

It didn’t matter how impressive her résumé was. Or how agreeable she was. She was a no-go zone. He couldn’t afford to employ people who threatened his control. And something about her had very definitely put his wolf on high-alert.

Her scent didn’t help. She smelled like heaven. Sweet. Feminine. Something that needed protection—from someone like him.

It didn’t matter. Complicated or not, she was all he had. He needed her. That trumped everything else. Including the urge to push her into his bed and bury himself inside her. He wasn’t an animal, no matter what the fuck the wolf thought. She was the person he—they—needed. Knowledge that eased some of the worry crushing him since Hollis’s call.

A child was involved now. His son.

Hollis’s warning still rang in his ears. “When they find out about him, he’s in danger. Real danger. We all are.”

“This is the one,” Jessa said, patting the large, navy-blue monstrosity. “Best crash test ratings.” She winced at the price tag. “It’s a little pricey.”

He reached for the tag, his fingers brushing hers. He bit back a hiss, glad she withdrew her hand so quickly. This was going to be difficult. Drowning in her scent was bad enough. But the thrill of awareness—almost recognition—touching her caused was something else. He’d have to be more careful. He focused on the now-bent tag he held, glanced at the price, then her. “Miss Talbot. You’re buying for me now. This is not pricey.”

She pressed her lips together.

“What?” he asked. Her lips were full and, undoubtedly, soft.

“Nothing,” she argued.

“Say it,” he pushed, enjoying the play of emotion on her face. She was very expressive.

“For the real world, this is pricey, Mr. Dean.” She nodded at the car seat, smiling.

“Well, you’re living in my world now,” he said, amused—and irritated. She had no idea what that statement truly meant. His world was undoubtedly more like one of Jessa Talbot’s nightmares. He needed t

o remember that where she was concerned.

He left her to check out then headed back to the car. Restlessness gripped him. Anger. Frustration. Impatience. He’d been careful. His life was a well-oiled, carefully constructed machine, with minimal to no hiccups. Every decision was analyzed, every outcome considered. Everything he did was premeditated, ensuring his secret was kept. No one would ever know what he was—what he’d done to his friends.

Hell, the only risks he’d taken the last ten years had been in business.

His personal life left no room for risks. No complications. No entanglements. No commitments. If he was attracted to a woman, he made sure they understood that and the inevitable outcome. Few turned him down. He’d met Cara four months ago; she’d been no different. They’d had a great week, lots of sex—all protected—and parted ways. And yet, somehow, she still ended up pregnant with his baby.

He was a father.