He sat back in his chair. “I’ll be blunt, Miss Talbot. I’m creating a new opening to be filled immediately. I need someone on the inside, someone I can trust with every facet of my life, no questions asked. Someone capable of troubleshooting in even the most… unusual of situations.” Tension rolled off the man in waves. “With absolute discretion, of course.”

She blinked, her fear evaporating. A new position. Was he referring to Miss Ramirez? Or… She swallowed, carefully holding her enthusiasm in check while asking, “Is this…is this an interview, Mr. Dean?”

“Possibly.” His attention wandered back to the file on his desk. “I’d like to discuss your résumé. Your bachelor’s degree was in education? And much of your work during and before college was in educational settings?”

She nodded, confused by this line of questioning. “I’d planned on becoming a teacher.”

“But then you went on to get your MBA?”

“I needed to be able to provide for my family. The wage disparity for teachers—”

“Is deplorable, yes.” He paused, rubbing his chin with his knuckles. “Let me stress that this is a highly sensitive…project. It runs approximately six weeks. In that time, I own you. You will eat, breathe, and sleep work.” His blue gaze swept her face. “You’ve dealt with some of my most…challenging employees and managed to come out unscathed. Your reviews are exceptional, mentioning your ability to think on your feet, take charge, and work tirelessly to ensure best results.” He read aloud.

I own you. She swallowed, trying not to be distracted by the gravel in his voice. He was talking about a new job, reporting directly to him. Nothing more. And yet, his voice unleashed something molten in the base of her stomach. She cleared her throat, stiffening her posture. “May I ask a question?”

“Of course.” He tapped his pen.

“You said six weeks. After that, what happens?” She waited.

He paused, watching her—closely. The hair on the back of her neck stood up. His eyes traveled over her face, lingered on her neck, then swept up to her eyes once more. He cleared his throat before going on. “Once this project is over, you will stay on with me as my executive assistant. If nothing else, this project will ensure we are compatible. My assistants need to be organized, focused—someone I can call on day and night.” His smile was slow—and lethal. “I’m not going to lie to you—I’m a pain in the ass to work for. But I believe in promoting from within and, obviously, this would give you the opportunity to show me what you have to offer Dean Industries.”

She smiled back then immediately regretted it.

His gaze sharpened, dropping to her mouth before locking with hers. “I believe this could benefit us both, Miss Talbot.” He paused, shifting in his chair. “I know you’ve raised four younger siblings, as caregiver and primary provider. I also know that finances are tight.”

She swallowed. How? She glanced at the papers spread across his desk. What else did he know? “We manage,” her voice was tight. Barely. He had no idea how tiring it was. How many nights she’d crawl into bed wondering if they’d ever get ahead? If she’d ever stop worrying over their future. Or if she’d ever have a life of her own.

“It’s safe to say you feel comfortable dealing with children? That you’ve experience with… babies?”

It was impossible to miss the scorn in his voice. She frowned. “Yes. My parents died when Nate, the youngest, was a few months old.” Since their aunt hadn’t been the hands-on, kid-friendly type, Jessa had been mother and sister.

He nodded and sighed heavily, pinching

his nose and closing his eyes. “Then, I have two questions for you. Are you willing to put in the substantial extra hours required, in a non-traditional work environment? And can I count on your complete and total discretion?” He glanced at her. “To start, I’ll double your salary and give you a bonus that should cover the next tuition payments for your brother and sister. I will also help your brothers gain admission to the schools they want. Staying there will be their responsibility.”

Her heart was hammering, the prick of tears undeniable. This was a huge opportunity. He had no idea what this meant to her—to her family. She might not have to refinance the house. Any concerns over how vague he was being faded away. How could she say no? “Yes.”

“Good. If you’ve been working on anything else, tell Mrs. Daugherty. She can take over.”

She waited, hoping he’d provide more information. This project… Considering his line of questioning, it had something to do with children. Possibly an on-site daycare facility? Something that wouldn’t fall within the parameters of his seemingly carefree, extravagant life—full of beautiful people and exotic adventures. At least, that’s the way the papers portrayed him. To her, his life was all glamor and excitement—things that didn’t exist in her world.

“May I ask about this project, Mr. Dean?”

His eyes slammed into her, searching… He seemed hesitant to tell her. “Apparently, I have a son.”

He had a son? She wasn’t sure what to say or how to react. Or what, exactly, that had to do with her…

“It’s a surprise to me, too, let me assure you. We have a car to catch. I’ll share the details on the way to the hospital.” He ran a hand through his golden hair, a single curl falling onto his forehead.

“The hospital?” she asked, growing more perplexed.

“He was born yesterday morning,” he clarified.

A million questions raced through her mind.

“Grab your things,” he said. “I’ll meet you in the lobby. We won’t be returning to the office today.”

She nodded, hurrying from his office and toward the elevators. She passed Lara, ignoring her friend’s furious attempts to flag her down, and headed to her cubicle. In five minutes, she’d slipped into her coat, grabbed her bag, and was headed to the elevator, her questions settling into a more logical pattern. The one thing she wanted clarified: was his son her special project?