He turned on his heel and headed back across the apartment. Why the hell had he come home early to begin with? There was enough work to keep him occupied at the office, away from the distractions.

Yet, he couldn’t stay away.

The need to be close to Oscar was overwhelming. The wolf needed it, he needed it. Less than two hours after leaving them at the apartment, he was back.

As Oscar was being cradled close by Jessa, he had a phone call to make. Time to let the others know what had happened. He owed them that. Hell, he owed them a hell of a lot more. He pushed his office door closed, lifted the handle of the old-fashioned landline phone, and started punching in numbers.

“You ready?” Hollis asked.

“No,” Finn admitted. “But waiting won’t make it easier.”

“It won’t,” Hollis agreed.

Anders and Dante answered, but Malachi went straight to voicemail.

“Did you really think he’d answer?” Dante asked.

“I hoped,” Finn said.

“So what’s going on? I’ve been goose-pimpled out all day,” Anders’s connection was patchy—his cabin was in the middle of nowhere and nothing.

“I have a son.” Finn figured ripping off the Band-Aid was better than dragging it out. “We have a new…”

“I thought puppies were off the table?” Anders asked.

“Jesus, Finn,” Dante groaned. “Did you forget how to use a condom? The instructions are right there on the frigging box.”

“I was careful, dammit. I’m always careful. Guess it didn’t work.” They had every right to be upset. He went on, “He’s here. No changing it.”

“Just one?” Anders asked. “So, we don’t have litters? Man, that’s a relief.” He chuckled.

“Just one,” Hollis joined in. “He appears, for the time being, human.”

The line was silent.

“Human?” Anders asked. “So, no wet nose and wagging tail?”

“Are you saying we won’t pass this on?” Dante asked.

“I’m not saying that,” Hollis said. “But, for now, there’s no indication that Oscar will suffer from our affliction.”

“You mean he’s not a werewolf?” Dante pushed.

“Not yet,” Hollis said. “Maybe never.”

“Then why were my Spidey-senses tingling?” Anders asked.

Dante sighed. “Yeah, I knew something was up, too.”

Just like Finn had known Oscar was his. The bond was there, instantaneously. As much as he wanted to believe Hollis was right, he knew the truth. His voice was thick, his throat tight, as he murmured, “He’s one of us.”

“Shit,” Dante groaned.

“What’s happened?” Hollis asked.

“I…I know he’s mine. I feel it—that connection we have. Only stronger.” Finn sat down in his chair and rested his head on the headrest.

“So, in three weeks, what happens?” Anders asked. “We gonna have some mini-wolf running around chewing up the city?”