I told him everything I knew about Jared Freedman so far. "He and his lawyer want to make some kind of deal. I guess that means it's official. I'm going to go to the precinct to learn more."

"I don't know what they could get in exchange for a confession. New York ruled the death penalty unconstitutional," said Daniel. "I'm as curious as you are how it's all going to pan out."

We talked about Christmas and family. I didn't want to mention Steven and our impromptu meeting the other day. Steven Landers wasn't worth giving attention to in my mind. Besides, I didn't want to spoil my conversation with Daniel.

“I guess all of this new information eliminates Peter D’Arcy, too,” said Daniel.

“It does do that. The Chef is simply a man who cooks outstanding food, and loves a small dog.”

The words ‘small dog’ mentioned by me almost caused me to tell Daniel what his gift was. Instead, I said, "I'll call you later after I talk to the Chief," I said. "I miss you."

"I miss you, too, Laila. Talk to you soon. Stay safe."

Chapter Twenty Nine

When I came into the police station, Chief Hayes was talking with the receptionist, Susan. He turned when I approached from a short distance. "Laila, I thought you would drop in. Come on into my office."

His desk appeared in order. One file spread across the center. His hands smoothed over it when he sat down. "I guess you are wondering what kind of a deal Jared and his lawyer wanted to make."

"I am extremely curious about that. I want to know if you have details on how it all went down, too."

"We'll get to that part. He finally spilled it all once we settled on the deal."

I leaned forward eagerly. "What did they have to say?"

"The night Jared met Frank at Tommy's Bar, he reminded him of the meeting set up back at the Steakhouse. According to Jared, Frank was drunk. He had played Santa at a party across town and arrived at Tommy's for another drink. Jared had seen him weaving in his car and followed him to Tommy's. It wasn't like he first told us about meeting Frank at the bar unexpectedly at all."

"And they had a fight outside the bar. Frank's hat was knocked off his head and neither of them cared or knew about it," I said.

"They did have a scuffle outside. Frank went in first. Jared sat in his own car and waited. When Frank took his time leaving the bar, Jared came in to look for him. Frank saw him and they did talk by the door as Joe told you. They both went outside and got into an argument."

I shifted to the edge of the chair. "Frank finally agreed to go ahead and talk at the restaurant as planned," said the Chief. "Before that point, Jared pushed Frank against the outside wall and that's when he lost the Santa hat. Jared didn't bother picking it up or telling Frank it was on the ground."

"Joe told me Jared had a drink. Frank had already left," I said. "So he must have been wrong."

"Joe probably didn't see them both go outside together that one time. He didn't see that Jared came back in to have a drink after he talked with Frank."

"Did Jared intend to kill Frank or just negotiate the blackmailing deal?"

"I do believe the killing wasn't planned. But we only have one side to the story. According to Jared, when he got to the restaurant, Frank was making coffee. I think he was trying to sober up a bit so he could think clearer. Jared said they got into another argument in the kitchen. He pushed Frank once again. This time Frank fell against the sharp corner of the counter."

I waited. That must mean they continued the fight inside the freezer. "Why did they go into the freezer?"

"Jared said he felt remorse, or as he stated, ‘I didn't want to hurt Frank and told him I would get ice for the cut on his head.' Frank told him he would get it himself and went into the freezer to get the ice. Jared followed him in. If we believe his story, he did that to help make an ice pack for him."

Okay. I still had to piece together how they went from getting ice to murder. "So they argued again in the freezer and things got out of hand," I said.

"Yes, that is what happened. Frank turned on Jared and he knew there wasn't going to be any compromise regarding the blackmailing."

"That must have made Jared pretty mad," I said.

"He flew into a rage and attacked Frank again. This time it was brutal. Frank faced Jared with the ice wrapped in a towel when Jared hit him with a nearby kitchen mallet. Frank tried to get to the freezer door but Jared got ahead of him."

"I can't believe he just left Frank in there."

"He did that, Laila. He told us he hit him once more and left Frank inside. Once back in the kitchen, Jared broke the freezer lock so there was plenty of time before anyone discovered the body."

"What in the world kind of deal does he expect to get?" I asked.