"I'm almost ready. I want to thank you again for keeping Thor for me."

"He's my best buddy. I'm glad you are flying home. Looks like a huge winter storm moving into the east central part of the country. They are saying it's heading into some of the southern states."

"I'm glad I'm not driving, for sure. We get mainly ice before snow down there. I don't want to deal with trying to dodge other drivers. And I don't want to get stuck on the highway waiting for wrecks to get taken care of either." We told each other goodnight and I headed home.

As I got into the car, I decided to call Daniel and tell him the latest. I got his voice mail when I dialed. It was probably better he didn't answer as it wasn't a good idea to talk on the phone while driving. Heading home, snow was beginning to come down again. Once more, the lamplights along the street gave the impression of a Charles Dickens novel's setting. I hoped the storm moving into the south brought snow to Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. I wished Daniel had time to join me so he could meet my parents. Pennsylvania was too far from Tennessee, especially when he had an aversion to flying.

Settling down with Thor and hot chocolate, my phone rang. Hearing Daniel's voice definitely uplifted me.

"Hi, Laila, how are things going in West River?"

"For starters, I believe Jared Freedman is a hair away from confessing."

"Don't get your hopes up too high on that idea. If he is guilty, I'd be surprised if he admitted it. Does he have a lawyer yet?"

"Not as of this afternoon." I told Daniel about the search of Jared's office. "I'm leaving day after tomorrow. I want to know for sure he did it before I leave."

"It looks like all he can be charged with so far is his illegal trading activities," said Daniel.

"Chief Hayes reminded me of that, too. I'm just anxious for them to get to the part about his involvement in the killing of Frank."

"If he did it," said the devil's advocate.

"I know it is him," I said after I provided a long enough pause. "Everything points to him."

"So have you eliminated Steven from your suspect list?" asked Daniel. His loyalty to his friend was unwavering.

"Yes, you were right about him. I don't think he is the one."

"Sounds as if you still have doubts." His laugh was genuine and I moved on to other subjects. After we hung up, I missed Daniel more than ever.

The vision of Frank Duvall, aka Santa, aka dishwasher, flooded over me. I thought of someone like Jared dragging Frank nearer the freezer door. I knew now that it wasn't a last minute decision to leave the body closer to the door. There must have been a struggle and Frank ended up losing the battle. With the blood evidence near the far wall, whatever happened must have started there. He was found where he died as if trying to get away. My next discussion with Chief Hayes would concern DNA under Frank's fingernails.

The question remained as to why Frank and the perpetrator were in the freezer to begin with. I couldn't get the twisted look on the still face out of my mind.

Chapter Twenty Six

My mind wandered more than once while I was at work the next day. Questions to ask Chief Donald Hayes ran through my mind. There was still the handwriting analysis to be determined. The DNA under Frank's nails was another one. I needed time alone to think.

"Jacob, I think I'll take my lunch at Sam's today. Unless you want me to work through my lunch hour."

My boss threw me a knowing look. "Go ahead and get your watercress sandwich at Sam's. Though I don't know why you want a cold sandwich on a day like this." More than once he teased me about leaving his coffee shop to give business to a sandwich shop down the street.

"I'll make sure I get a hot cup of soup to go along with it." He responded with a wave.

In reality, I wanted to take my notes and sit at my favorite table away from Sam's patrons. When my lunch hour came, it was an hour past everyone else's. There shouldn't be too many people there.

The sidewalks were cleared and no more snow predicted for today. I also needed fresh air and decided to walk to Sam's. My head bowed in thought, I jerked when I felt a bundled body hit against me. "I'm sorry," I said. "I should have been watching where I was going."

Steven Landers burst out laughing. "You were in your own world. But I wasn't paying attention either so I guess we are even." I wanted to keep the conversation short and be on my way. He had other ideas. "Where are you going this time of the day?"

"I'm taking my break away from Roasted Love. I'm going to grab a lunch at Sam's," I said. "What are you doing on this street, Steven? Shouldn't you be running your restaurant?" I caught myself thinking I came across as a little sarcastic. My smile didn't quite measure up to friendly.

"Like you, I'm taking a break from the Steakhouse. Care if I join you?"

I did care. No words of rejection came to mind. We walked together in silence until we reached the café. He held the door open for me. My anticipated break fell like glass shattering into small pieces. I struggled to look happy that Steven would join me for lunch.

"How's the investigation coming?" he asked.