"What's the mystery of wanting to see me again?" he asked. "I had the distinct feeling you didn't want anything to do with me earlier." His expression held hopefulness.

I brushed over his comment and decided to keep things focused on what I had to tell him. "I have good news for you. Jared Freedman is in a jail cell, a suspect in Frank's murder."

"Do you mean the investor at the West River Bank building?"

"I mean the same. He was arrested today and actually confessed that he and Frank invested together. I don't have exact details, but he could be the one who killed Frank."

"Well, that will prove they looked at the wrong man from the beginning," said Steven. "I can't even be mean to animals, much less harm a person. I didn't care that much for Frank's attitude, but he did a good job in the kitchen. I wonder how he had enough money for investing."

"That's still a mystery," I said. "I'm thinking maybe he got it by blackmailing someone like he did Cassie. By the way, did you come to my door the other night?"

"No, why do you ask?"

"I thought I heard someone ring the doorbell but no one was there when the door was opened."

"That's odd for sure, but it wasn't me," offered Steven. "The news of Jared's arrest is most welcome, Laila."

I didn't have the heart to tell Steven he wasn't off the hook completely. That is, if I believed Officer Dan Stanton's remarks along those lines.

I still didn't feel I knew Steven well enough to dismiss him as the killer. The thing that led me to think he was not the one was Daniel's complete faith in his innocence.

Evidence was mounting against Jared and that was a plus. I couldn't veer away from known facts. Whoever did it hadn't been proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt at this point. I tried not to convince myself that the aftershave cologne was worn by more than one man.

Chapter Twenty Five

The next day I was busy wiping down tables when Jacob handed me the cordless phone. "It's Chief Hayes," he said.

I walked back to the kitchen to take the call. "Laila, we've gotten more out of Jared Freedman. Seems he decided to talk after all."

"Did he confess to the murder?"

"Not yet, but he told us more about Frank's involvement with him."

"Has he asked for a lawyer yet?"

"No, and we can't figure that one out. He told us he had been transacting illegally. He had access to insider trading and passed information on to close friends and family. He was making a private killing off of what they paid him."

"That must have been what Joe meant about dealing with Jared."


"The guy at Tommy's Bar. Jared swindled him. Did Jared let Frank in on the money scheme?"

"Not directly, but Frank found out from one of Jared's brothers-in-law. He told Frank he should ask Jared to get him in on it all. He did and when Jared refused, Frank threatened to expose him."

"It was blackmail, after all," I said. "Tell me Jared was pressured to pay Frank off to keep his mouth shut."

The Chief laughed out loud. "You were right about the blackmailing part. Jared did pay Frank off just like the bank statements showed. Frank had a little while to live high on his wealth."

"When will Jared's trial for murder be?" I asked.

"Wait a minute, who said anything about murder? We have a lot more investigation to do before that happens. Blackmailing doesn't prove murder."

"It's sure to lead to that conclusion," I said. My voice was one of conviction. I knew we had the right man. "He's walking on thin ice in my mind."

"All right, Laila, I agree he could be the murderer but we need to get more out of Jared than what we have so far," said the Chief. "We can hold him on the illegal trading scheme for now."

"What next?" I asked.