I called to Thor. It was time to get home again.

Chapter Thirteen

Glancing at my watch, I knew it was close to lunch time. I took Thor back home and left him on his mat. Since Steven's Steakhouse was open again I retraced my steps to the restaurant. There was no sign of the owner when I went in. The server showed me to a table near the window meant for two.

I ordered the soup of the day and a side salad. This time I ordered hot coffee. I looked around expecting to see the owner appear at any time. When the server placed my lunch in front of me, the salad was loaded with ingredients. A sprig of thyme on the side, the mix included golden raisins and pecans. Steam from the steak soup was enticing. The presentation once again whetted my appetite.

Finishing lunch, I approached the register to pay. "Is Steven here today?" I asked the cashier.

"He is here but I think he's in the back. Do you want to see him?"

"I thought I would just say hello, but he's probably busy. I'll see him another time."

She smiled and told me to come back any time.

I headed out the door with the memory that I needed to do more shopping. The gift I had in mind for Lily was out at the mall. I walked toward my car which was parked at the corner of the Steakhouse. Steven's restaurant was the last business on this end of the street. Just as I got to my car, I heard familiar voices near the outside wall of the restaurant.

"Why did you tell people I argued with Frank?" said Cassie. "Do you know how much trouble that has gotten me in?" Her voice rose in anger. "The police questioned me again."

"You should be glad I was the one who told the police." Daniel must have been wrong about Steven not telling the cops about the argument, I thought. "I wasn't the only one who heard you argue. There wasn't much to tell them. I had no idea what it was all about." He drew closer to Cassie and put his arm around her shoulder.

"What were you two bickering about?" Steven began to massage her neck. The gesture didn't seem to relax her. "Look, Cassie, this whole mess has us all on edge. I'm sorry I told the police about that. Can you forgive me?"

"You told your friends, too," she said. From the expression on her face she hadn't forgiven him. "Why did you do that?"

Steven shrugged his shoulders and said, "Daniel is my closest friend. We were talking about who could have killed Frank and it just came up. No one thinks you did it, so don't worry about that."

Apparently Cassie chose not to tell him what the argument was about. Frank was dead now and I thought she had no reason to tell him. I approached them just as Steven turned Cassie's face to his. He was getting ready to kiss her when he saw me.

I waved my hand in dismissal. "I already know you two are an item. Don't let me interfere."

Cassie pulled from Steven. She attempted a smile in my direction and failed.

"What are you doing in our neighborhood, Laila?" asked Steven.

"I just had a delicious lunch at your restaurant," I said. "I'm out doing some Christmas shopping. Do you have a minute? I have a question for you, Steven."

"Do you want to talk in private?"

"No, it concerns Cassie, too. I can't figure out why you told Daniel and me about Cassie's argument with Frank. But, on the other hand, you didn't tell either of us about your relationship with her. I'm just curious about that."

"What we have between us has nothing to do with the investigation of Frank's death. I didn't think it was necessary to tell you."

"But you did think it was necessary to tell them about the argument," said Cassie. Her eyes resembled fireworks. Steven fell short of his efforts to calm her down.

"Listen, Cassie, Laila and Daniel are trying to prove your innocence and mine. That's why I told them. I don't even know what the fight between the two of you was all about. Frank didn't like either one of us by then so I didn't press it with you."

Cassie looked at him with what seemed like relief. He gave her a kiss. I was tempted to mention how Steven had kissed me the night I met him at the Steakhouse. Cassie would find out soon enough that flirting was second nature to him if she was clueless at this point.

"I'll leave you two alone. I have stuff to do." When I neared my car, they were arguing again. The words I heard came from Steven.

"I know you met with Frank after the two of you broke up," he said. "I saw Frank inside Tommy's Bar. He told the bartender he was waiting for someone. I turned around and walked out before Frank saw me. As you know, Cassie, we weren't the best of friends at that point. I waited outside. The next thing I knew, the two of you talked outside the bar."

I got into my car. Sitting behind the steering wheel, I lowered the window so I could hear Cassie's response.

"I don't know what you are talking about," yelled Cassie. "Don't tell me you are spying on me when we aren't together."

"I'm not spying on you. I didn't spy on you that day. I had no idea Frank was in the bar much less that the two of you still saw each other. Were you two-timing me?"