He stopped in mid-pace. "Sorry, I didn't know I was doing that." He sat down and picked up his steak knife. It hung in mid air. "One of the teenagers grabbed a branch of the Christmas tree and started shaking it. A second one looked at the kid on Santa's lap and told him that Santa wasn't real. He even pulled at Frank's beard to show the kid he was a fake. I was back in my office and heard two of the Chef's helpers yelling out in front. I came out to see what was going on. By that time, things had gotten out of hand."

"That must have scared the kids pretty bad," I said. "Did you get the teenagers out?"

"It didn't take long with several of us there. I told them I would call the police the next time they showed up in my restaurant or on the premises outside. In the meantime, Frank pressed charges. He gave names of the witnesses, including me, for back-up."

"I hope they were brought up on charges."

"The police found two of them and took them in, but it made things worse. Frank went down to the station to identify them. Two were held over in jail. The third one came back around and met Frank one night when he was getting off work. He threatened him with getting even."

I could see how Frank had become a target. What I didn't get was how his murder fit with the actions of teenagers. I asked Steven that very question.

"One afternoon, the third one waited for me to come out to my car. I always took a break away from the restaurant during a slow period. This teenager, whose name I later learned was Jason Miller, told me he was going to ‘teach Santa a lesson' unless I did something about the charges against his two friends. I told him they were all in enough trouble as it was and I didn't take threats easily."

"Have you told the police all of this?" I asked.

"I didn't tell them about the threats. At the time I brushed it all off. I remembered how I tried to act macho when I was their age. Most of what I did, along with my friends, was all bluff and no action. I figured that's what this kid was doing."

"What punishment did they get?"

"Nothing really, other than a half night in jail, I think. Then there were Frank's assault charges as well as disturbance of the peace. I don't know what happened with that. Jason slipped through the cracks I guess."

"I wonder what his part in it really was," I said. Steven questioned me. "Maybe it was possible Jason Miller was the ringleader and made the other two do the dirty work. Maybe it was all a part of his plan to not get involved directly."

"I hadn't thought of it that way. He was the one who threatened Frank and me."

"I think I'll look up Jason Miller and see what he has to say," I said. I picked up my purse and told Steven thanks for the dinner. "When do you get to open up again?"

"Opening day is tomorrow. My lawyer got right on it. By the way, I think Jason is a senior at the local high school. You probably won't see him until after school hours."

"Thanks for the tip."

Steven took my arm at the door. "Be careful, Laila. These teenagers aren't what you think of as normal kids. They're a rough bunch. Take some pepper spray just in case."

I almost laughed until I realized he was serious. I thanked him for his concern while wondering if teenagers like the three would really carry out threats all the way to murder. From what I now knew of Jason Miller, I felt it was at least a possibility.

By now, Daniel was home in Pennsylvania. I decided to give him time to settle in before calling him. I crashed that night with thoughts of Jared Freedman, Jason Miller and Steven Landers on my mind. I finally drifted off to sleep just as my cell phone rang.

"Hi, Laila, I hope you weren't in bed already," said Daniel.

"I was just drifting off to sleep, but no worries. I planned to call you first thing in the morning. I wanted to give you time to visit with your family before I interrupted."

"We had a good visit during dinner tonight. Things are working out on the home front, I think. How are things going?"

I told him about Steven's remarks concerning the high school senior, Jason Miller. "I'm not so sure teenagers like that would go so far as to commit murder, do you?"

"If Steven knows this kid well enough, then you should listen to his warnings. Don't meet him alone, Laila. There are instances of teenagers killing people. It's on the news often enough."

We discussed my approach to Jason. Daniel advised me to meet him at school just before dismissal time. "There will be others around at that time and you can see what he has to say for himself in a safer environment."

"I guess I shouldn't just presume anything," I said. Daniel agreed. Kids are different these days. "Steven told me he had not taken the threats to the police. Now, he thinks it will look fishy if he brings it up after all this time," I said. "I'm thinking about going to see Chief Hayes and telling him myself."

"I think that's a good idea. It may help Steven a lot."

"Especially if I take the Chief some of Roasted Love's treats," I said. "It won't hurt to butter him up a little. He looks like someone who likes sweets."

Daniel laughed and it was good to hear his humor float across the miles. I missed him and wished he was here to toss ideas back and forth with me. When we hung up, it was easier to go right to sleep.

Chapter Nine