"So you really aren’t a reporter?"

I decided his sense of humor was better

than him just getting up and walking out on me.

"No, I’m not a reporter. I am curious about your reaction when you brought Michael’s body out on the stretcher that day. You appeared sad."

Daniel’s face grew somber. His muscular hand that encircled the cold glass of coke tightened and then relaxed.

"I’ve known the Simms family for quite a few years. It goes back to when James first ran for a local office in his district in New York City. He was running for the office of Mayor, the one of few elections he lost. Someone in his campaign office suffered an asthma attack," he said. "I was in the car with my dad who was a paramedic at the time. He got the word someone needed assistance and he drove there right away. We were only a few blocks from the office and he was off-duty but the closest paramedic to the scene. Watching my dad perform CPR that day clinched it for me that I wanted to follow in his footsteps."

I still wasn’t sure that knowing the brother brought him close to Michael. He went on to tell me he had met Michael off and on since then. The man who had the asthma attack was James’ campaign manager and friend, John Andrews.

"The Senator and John were the only ones in the office at the time. All three of those men were good friends. It was just hard to see Michael dead that day."

"I’m sorry," I said. "That makes sense that it hit you especially hard." I glanced at my watch. "I apologize but I really need to get back to work."

Daniel reached for both tickets before I could pick mine up. After thanking him, I said, "I am interested in clearing my boss’s name. Jacob Weaver is a suspect in Michael’s death."

He expressed a sincere sympathy and a genuine understanding. Once more I was drawn in to him in more ways than I wanted to think about at the moment. The connection was broken when the skies turned dark and a clap of thunder was heard in the distance. Rolling clouds told me sheets of rain were about to pour and I was stuck at Sam’s Sandwiches with no car and no umbrella.

"I’m walking and I have to hurry back to Roasted Love before I get caught in a downpour," I said. "I have to check on my dog, too. I left him outside."

I grabbed my purse and headed for the door. Daniel’s hand grabbed my arm sending a jolt through me.

"What? You are a reporter and you walk everywhere?" he said smiling at me.

The twinkle in his eye caused a slight pink in my cheeks. I couldn’t remember how long it had been since I blushed, but thought it must have been back in high school or earlier. The laugh that escaped my lips couldn’t be helped.

"Come on, Laila Rook, Reporter, I’ll give you a ride back. What kind of dog do you have?"

I didn’t want to answer that, so ignored his question and braced myself for the rain that had begun. The paramedic opened the passenger side of his Rav and I hopped in just as the sky opened up. By the time Daniel plopped in the driver’s seat his dark hair glistened with drops of rain. The rain pummeled harder and we agreed that we got to shelter just in time. When we passed Mary Lynne’s Beads and Bangles she was standing in the window of her shop watching the storm. It was as if she expected me to pass her shop while riding in a Rav with a man I didn’t know. She recognized me right away in the blinding rain and lifted her tapered hand in a greeting. She seemed so sure of her proclamation, but I didn’t have a clear view.

I wanted to ask Daniel a million questions about the murder of Michael Simms but in no time at all we had arrived at the back door of Roasted Love. I scanned the area for Thor who was nowhere in sight. He must have found shelter someplace, I thought. I was sure the neighborhood was familiar enough for him to do that.

"Come on in for a latte or espresso and get dry," I said.

He had jumped from his side and raced to my door to open it. We were both drenched and he looked like a wet rag waiting to be wrung out. My own appearance was nothing to brag about. I dashed ahead of him and got inside and grabbed a couple of large dish towels. He followed me and I was relieved he refrained from any comments or further questions about Thor. I wondered what he would think knowing I had Michael’s dog.

"Looks like you got a little wet," said Jacob. "I told you Roasted Love could make a watercress sandwich for you if you would just tell me what the secret ingredients are that take you to Sam’s to eat."

He swept his eyes over Daniel and I quickly introduced him. I didn’t tell him he was the paramedic and the one who carried Michael Simms out of Sunrise the day of his murder. But when Jacob responded to the introduction no doubt was left that he knew that.

"You're the paramedic who helped out across the street, aren’t you?" said Jacob.

"Yes, I was on call that day," said Daniel.

I recalled that specific morning when I arrived at Roasted Love and found Jacob in an almost fetal position in the corner of the kitchen. Wondering how he had seen Daniel was a mystery unless he had first witnessed the commotion and then collapsed. It was time to change the subject.

"Come on in, Daniel," I said. "What can I get for you?"

He ordered a cappuccino with extra cinnamon on top. I went to the espresso machine and started his order. Lily came up behind me.

"Where did you find such a good-looking customer?" she said. "I saw you bring him through the back way."

Inwardly, I groaned. There was nothing to explain but I still felt it necessary to do so.

"He was nice enough to give me a lift from Sam’s Sandwiches. I thought at least I could get him a warm drink as a 'thank you'.