Two hours later, I heard a shuffling of folded chairs on a hard floor down the hall. David came to the front. He was surprised to see me.

"We booked her for now. So there is no bail until she goes before a judge."

I knew the possibilities of Janie’s incarceration were there. She must have spilled everything. The cell would be her best protection from James Simms.

"I have something else I want to talk to you about," I said.

Without a word he took my elbow and led me to another room similar to the one we had occupied once before. I told him I thought I knew where the poison came from. After he heard my story, he took me to the Chief’s office where I repeated what I had found out. I didn’t forget to report my stalker. This weighed more than what I figured it would. The Chief became very alert when I told him of James Simms’ threats to me.

"You should have dialed 911 right away," he said.

"I didn’t because that was part of his threat. He told me he had enough clout to ruin me for life if I tried to get him arrested."

The Chief and David looked at each other. Apparently, I wasn’t the first person the Senator had threatened. I still couldn’t figure out what motive he had to kill his already dying brother. That is, if he was the one who poisoned him. Sarah Simms came to mind. She could have taken the poison and done it herself. With the hold her husband seemed to have over everyone, maybe he convinced her to meet Michael that night. No one would be able to prove that James was anywhere near Sunrise the night his brother was murdered. His political career would remain intact. As for his wife, he held power over others, so why not her? I realized the meeting with the Chief was over.

"I don’t know if it is visiting hours or not, but I’d like to see Jacob," I said.

David laughed. "I don’t think visiting hours have applied to you, Laila. They all seem to let you in whatever the hour."

He told the receptionist to contact the guard and let me in to see my boss. When Jacob approached me, the shuffle was gone. The guard paid little attention to us. He sat at the opposite end and read a newspaper while we talked. I told Jacob everything I knew.

"It’s a matter of time, Jacob, before you will be back at Roasted Love."

"I feel bad for Janie. What will happen to her kids if they find out she is guilty of something that will put her in jail for a long time?" he asked me.

"She made a phone call according to the cop I’ve gotten to know. I’m sure she called her brother. I think she was caught in something she didn’t know how to get out of. I just don’t know the details."

We both sat in silence. Roasted Love would never be the same again even when Jacob returned. I knew he would vouch for Janie as I planned to. Once everything came out in the open I didn’t think she would spend any time behind bars. That thought still caused a feeling of lead in my stomach. Janie didn’t deserve to be in the clutches of James Simms, much less behind bars.

Questions still had to be answered. The main one that came to mind was the motive James had to end Michael’s life before the disease took him. A faint doubt of their guilt took a back seat in my mind. I wanted it to be them. At this point the guilty person could be anyone.

I wanted things back to normal at Roasted Love.

Chapter Twenty Six

Everything came together rapidly the next day. I had no idea what had gone on but the shop buzzed with gossip as never before heard in Roasted Love. At noon Janie walked in the back door. She was a changed person and full of life again.

"Laila, you were right. Telling everything I knew was the right thing. I have a protection order against James Simms. Someone made bail for me and I’m out until everything is straightened out."

She was breathless. I gave her a tight hug. My relief was huge and tears spilled down my face.

"It’s all right, Laila, it really is," she said.

"I’m just so relieved, Janie. Do you know who made bail?"

She didn’t have time to answer. My cell phone rang. It was Officer David Singer. "Come on down and get your boss. He needs a ride home. He wants to make a stop at the bank for someone’s bail money first."

I hung up and announced "I’m going to pick up Jacob from jail and get him back here where he belongs." I raced out the back door and then came back to get my purse and car keys. Just as I got in the car, my cell rang again.

"I’ll meet you at the precinct," said Daniel. "Someone will have to hold you up. It may as well be me, Sherlock." I laughed with him as tears ran down my cheeks again.

When we burst into the lobby, the receptionist smiled widely. "He’s more than ready for you," she said.

I saw a man with a spring in his step coming toward the locked gate. David quickly opened it for him and I ran into Jacob’s arms. He hugged me tight.

"Thank you, Laila, for not giving up on me. Now let’s go," he said. "I’ve had more than enough weak and day-old coffee around here."

He was clean-shaven and dressed in pressed clothes. He looked like he was ready to get back to work as usual.