asily have done it."

"No, she didn’t. She knew Michael was dying of cancer. He broke things off with her because he didn’t want anyone around him. She understood that." I took a deep breath. "She was hurt for sure. After all, they had a good thing going. But she knew he was angry because of his illness and she backed off."

"Daniel was right when he called you a real Sherlock. I’ll keep in touch but remember that whatever you and Daniel know didn’t come from me."

"I’ll remember that. Just get Jacob out of here."

When I got back to Roasted Love, Janie had already clocked out. It was two-fifteen. Lily was helping Claire at the espresso machine.

"I hope I can learn this thing," said Claire.

"It takes practice," said Lily. She looked up as I came in. "It’s about time. How is Jacob doing?"

"He is doing as well as expected. I hope they’ll let him go soon. He has a lot of people behind him."

"I hope so, too. Everyone misses him."

Claire clocked out at six. Lily told me I hired the right person. "She catches on fast."

We started the clean-up in the back. Only two more customers dropped in before closing. Eddie left with Lily. Thor and I went home. There was no BMW in sight.

Thor and I made it home with no problems. As I dug for my house key, Thor’s warning growl made me turn around. The tall athletic figure I noted once before moved from the shadows of the Weeping Willow at the edge of the lawn.

"It’s a good thing you have that monster," said James Simms.

My knees weakened considerably. "What are you doing here?"

Not a neighbor was in sight. Either all were not home yet or were in their kitchens getting ready to relax to dinners. I envied them and their security.

"I’m warning you to let up on all of your investigating. You aren’t qualified to do the job of the police. Michael was poisoned by your boss, Jacob Weaver, and that is all there is to it."

Thor’s growl increased. It was hard to restrain him from tearing apart the man who was too close for comfort.

"I live in a free country. I can do what I want."

"I’m warning you. Lay off it. Let Michael rest in peace."

"Are you threatening me?"

"I’m telling you I have a lot of influence. I can ruin you for life."

I was tempted to let go of the leash and let Thor finish what he wanted to do.

"If I see you here again, I’ll call the police and press charges for trespassing and harassment."

His laugh was mocking. It held a confidence that told me I didn’t have a prayer with charging him with anything. He turned and sauntered away as if leaving me after a social call. Thor was pulling my shoulder from its socket. I dropped the key twice before I mastered getting it into the keyhole. When we got inside, Thor turned to the closed door. He stood stiff as a board, on guard. For now, he didn’t have dinner on his mind.

I felt like throwing up. Senator James Simms was a powerful man in more ways than one. I wobbled from the door and leaned back in my favorite chair. It was a good twenty minutes before Thor left his post. He nuzzled his head on my knees. Never would anyone convince me dogs didn’t know what was going on when it came to emotions in people.

"Come on, boy," I said, getting up. "You are ready for your dinner. I’m ready for a relaxing cup of tea."

The night air had cooled down. For the first time, I thought of the seasons in West River, New York. Fall was definitely in the air. Thor ran around the yard. He picked up the ball twice before I gave in. The light physical activity helped to relax me. The Senator was a stalker. There was no doubt about that. He picked on Janie and now me. His cocky attitude was one of arrogance.

Chapter Twenty Five

I had made it my habit in recent days to drive to work. It made more sense after James Simms’ unwanted visit the night before. The air was crisp and more patrons arrived for our cinnamon rolls and hot coffee than ever. Without Sunrise in business, our tables filled up daily.

It was mid-morning when I saw two cops park in the one spot that had just vacated in front of Roasted Love. One was David Singer. The other was one who had been there to question Jacob in his office. Both of them walked through the front and approached me. I told Lily to take over the espresso machine and Claire to take orders with Janie.