"I’ve been back in New York since college so I guess I’ve lost most of my southern accent. I found out in college that some people here had no idea what I was talking about so I had to relearn English."

We both laughed and I couldn’t believe how comfortable Daniel made me feel. I told him about my nightmare the night before.

"You sure can dream some fantastic stuff," he said. "I didn’t think info about belladonna would make such an impact on you."

"I didn’t know that either but my dream world sure took over."

Lunch with Daniel passed quickly. I had one hour before the interview. I reached for the ticket.

"It’s my turn," I said when Daniel protested.

"O.K., but I want to hear what Jason Devine has to say when you tell him about the things you found by your trash can."

"I won’t forget."

He offered me a ride but I had time to walk back to Roasted Love and took advantage of the exercise. When I passed Beads and Bangles I saw Mary Lynne at her counter in the middle of a transaction. At Roasted Love there were three cars parked in front. In the kitchen Eddie was donning an apron and tackling the dishes. Janie was getting ready to clock out for the day.

I took over with Lily in the front. A few minutes after Janie left I saw Senator James Simms pull up in front of Sunrise. The realtor’s car parked behind him. Leticia Simms got out of the passenger side of James’ car and the realtor stepped aside for a couple who got out of his SUV.

The fact that Leticia was there didn’t make sense to me. Sunrise did not belong to her so what was her interest? All of them were inside for almost thirty minutes. In the meantime, the customers in Roasted Love had increased in numbers and once again all eyes were glued to Sunrise.

"Lily, let’s start taking orders or these people will think they are here just to watch the show."

We both picked up our pads and pens. Several spectators gave their orders absently. I thought they didn’t really care what they asked for. By now, they knew they couldn’t sit there for free. At least, not with Lily and me pressing them to decide. I went back to the kitchen and asked Eddie to get some more cheese scones ready for the front.

"We need bagels, too," called Lily.

At the same time, a slender young woman approached me. She stated her name was Claire Sexton and she was here for an interview. I quickly told Lily she was on her own for about twenty minutes. When she realized I was going to interview a new server, she readily agreed knowing help was on the way.

Claire told me she was in college and needed a part-time job. She hoped to work full time once holidays came along. She handed me the necessary references. While she filled out initial paperwork, I went to the front to check to see if things were under control.

"It’s thinning out some," said Lily. "The show across the street ended a few minutes ago."

I went back and sat down with Claire who was finishing up the application form. She was personable. I thought she would get along well with everyone just from her first impressions. Her good looks weren’t lost on Eddie who stared at her when she left through the front door.

"She isn’t hired yet, Eddie," I said. "Don’t get your hopes up."

His face turned a shade deeper when I gave him a knowing look and laughed. Of course, it hadn’t dawned on him that once I hired someone he would go back to his former hours. We had discussed that when I gave him extra time but Claire was someone who seemed to take all reason from him.

After closing I brought Thor inside while I waited for Jason. The lawyer arrived right on time and I let him in the front door. Thor ate his dinner in the outer room off the kitchen while we talked.

"I found things that belonged to Michael Simms," I said to Jason. "They were found on the

ground next to Roasted Love’s trash bin. I think whoever took the trash to our bin meant for it to land inside. Maybe whoever it was, was in a hurry and didn’t realize they missed."

"Did you check inside the bin for anything else unusual?"

"I didn’t look but the trash was picked up early as usual. They come around five a.m. My dog actually found the sack on the ground. He tore it open to get a bagel."

At Jason’s request I handed plastic gloves to him. I waited while the dark-haired man bent over the items. Thick hands spread everything on the tabletop. Finally he sat back in the chair and looked at me.

"Laila, you should have given all of this to me before now."

"I haven’t had them long. I called you, didn’t I? Besides, I found the syringe and bottle after the other stuff."

He made me feel like a child who was guilty of getting into the cookie jar and hiding the crumbs. I could only imagine what he did to witnesses on the opposite side in a courtroom. With that thought, I was sure Jacob had chosen the right man for the job.

Jason didn’t feel bad about chiding me. Without apologizing to me, he stood and gathered the evidence. He carefully placed it all into the new bagel bag I provided.