Sweat had drenched my pajamas and my heart beat faster than I had ever known it to before. The bedside clock read two a.m. I changed pajamas and stretched out hoping to go back to a more peaceful sleep. The last thing I saw before finally drifting off was Thor sitting upright next to my bed, on watch.

Chapter Twenty Two

Before I left for work the next morning, I dialed Jason Devine, Jacob’s lawyer. He answered on the second ring and I told him I needed to see him after I closed Roasted Love later. He agreed to meet me at the coffee house.

When Janie arrived after, she looked more relaxed. The exception was when someone walked into the coffee house. Separately, we both hoped James Simms would not choose to be a patron that day.

"Is Eddie coming in to help out?" she asked me.

"Yes, I told him to come every afternoon for the rest of this week. I have an interview set for today with someone who wants a job."

"Will you need me later than two?" she asked.

"No, since Eddie will be here you can go on home when your time is up." I looked at her. She wasn’t offering much conversation. "Are you all right? Has James Simms talked to you again?"

"I’m fine and, no, he hasn’t. He gives me the creeps. I hope he doesn’t come in today."

"You and me both," I said. "I can’t figure out why he is hanging around so much, can you?"

She shook her head in the negative. "Beats me. Maybe he has found out we have better coffee than Sunrise ever served."

"What blows my mind is, why is he not working at the job he was elected for?"

"I guess all politicians have it pretty easy," said Janie.

She picked up the cappuccinos and placed them on the tray. I watched as she served the customers. Her smile was as contagious as ever. Janie was good at her job. She managed bigger tips than any of us. Our patrons liked her. I hoped she hadn’t done anything to jeopardize her position here.

I gave Thor a short run at a few minutes before one before leashing him again. The day was sunny and warm. I was ready for a walk and a change of scenery for my lunch. Mary Lynne was sweeping her stoop in front of Beads and Bangles when I came along.

"I haven’t seen you lately," she said.

"I’ve been busy at Roasted Love. Now I’m ready for one of Sam’s watercress sandwiches."

She smiled at me and told me change was always a good thing for me. Bending to her task she said, "Beware of those in power and those not so high."

"What do you mean?"

Without another word she went into her shop. The sunny day became muddled with questions in my mind. I shook my head knowing Mary Lynne lived in a world all her own. I saw Daniel standing outside Sam’s. I joined him and we headed for my favorite spot.

"It’s about time you came in here," called Sam. "I thought maybe you had found a way to copy my watercress sandwiches."

It was good to feel I was in a normal world again. I tried not to picture Jacob for the moment. Daniel and I sat down and ordered. He chose a Reuben this time. I varied a little with baked garlic chips on the side and opted for a diet coke.

Today I really didn’t want to talk about Michael Simms’ untimely death. I told Daniel my intentions and that I would let him know what Jason Devine had to say after I met with him that evening.

"Okay, let’s just talk about something else then," said Daniel.

"Agreed," I said. "I have someone coming in for an interview for a job today."

"I did notice Roasted Love is getting busier than ever," he said. "I hope whoever it is works out for you."

We talked about his work and how he almost failed his final exam before passing to paramedic status. I asked him if he had brothers and sisters.

"I have one sister who lives in Oregon. She went to college out there, met the love of her life and got married. They were both from New York but loved Portland so much they decided to stay. What about you? Are there any sibling Rooks?"

"No, just me. I came a year after my parents married and I guess I was enough for them. They still live in Atlanta. We moved there for my father’s job when I was around three years old. I was born in Long Island but grew up a southerner."

"I thought I detected a slight accent on occasion," said Daniel.