All eyes in Roasted Love were glued to the actions going on at Sunrise, including those of Daniel Jenkins. His look shifted to me. I edged closer to his table and sat down.

"What was that all about?" he asked.

"I don’t know any more than you do except maybe you can tell me who that woman with the Senator is," I said.

"It’s Michael’s wife, Leticia Simms," he said. His voice was matter of fact. I stared at him.

"Why are they over there?"

Once again the paramedic gave his trademark shrug. "James was Michael’s brother and Leticia was his wife. They are probably in there to see about the shop."

Finding Jen Perry there as if she owned the place must have been a surprise to both of them. I strongly suspected Jen Perry had just spent her last few hours at Sunrise.

Daniel stood and gave me a cocky grin. "Now you have a little more information to clutter your journalistic mind. Maybe you should go across and give your reporter act and learn more."

His laugh was far from a derisive one. I knew he would never let me live down my reporter ruse. He had a way of lightening a very bad situation.

"At least I have enough imagination to get information when I want it," I said.

For some reason he always left me in a way that was impossible to resist his remarks. A night on the town with Daniel Jenkins could prove to be refreshing to say the least. My mind was behaving in a far-fetched way. It was comforting to know I could talk openly with him about the case at hand and for now, that was enough. I watched as he walked out the door with an ease that demonstrated self-confidence. Concentrating on freeing Jacob brought me back to the most important thing right now in my life.

Movement from across the street caught my eye again. James Simms’ back was to me when he locked the door of Sunrise. Leticia Simms walked toward the car. For the first time I had a good look at Michael’s Simms’ wife. She was pretty but not stunning. Her hair was shoulder length, auburn in color and she was approximately my height. I noted a certain determination in her countenance. When the Senator reached her door to close it he bent toward her. I looked twice when I thought he leaned in and bent to kiss her but I would never swear to that. That was something else to write on my corkboard but a question mark would have to come after that note.

When it was time to close down for the day, I once again felt ill at ease thinking about walking home alone. I stopped at the small pet store in the next block and bought a sturdy leash for Thor. If I had to let him go after an assailant simply releasing him would be enough. Besides, I couldn’t take the chance of him wandering off and getting hit by a car. It interested me that the dog had not returned to Sunrise to wait for Michael. It was as if he knew his former master was gone forever. He took to the leash right away and together we walked along as if our companionship was meant to be that way.

Reaching my door, I couldn’t shake a sudden apprehension. Once unlocked, I turned slightly to see if anyone was watching me. A figure moved from behind a tree at the corner of the yard next to my neighbor’s house. The retiree was nowhere in sight. I quickly went inside and slammed the door securely behind me and clicked the deadbolt. When I looked out the front window no one was in sight. The person I had glimpsed was tall with an athletic build. Other than that, shadows from the tree had hidden other significant details.

Chapter Thirteen

I arrived at Roasted Love early to get things going for the day. I planned to leave mid-morning and go to Michael’s visitation and if time, his burial. My purpose was to look around at everyone there. I made the mistake of telling Janie my plans to attend.

"You’re up to something, Laila," said Janie. "What is it?"

"Nothing. I just want to pay my respects," I said.

I shrugged off Janie’s prying eyes. She didn’t have to know everything about me. Lately, she asked more questions than I wanted to answer. I even found myself doubting her faith in Jacob’s innocence.

"I don’t think Jacob would go," she said.

"He probably wouldn’t now that he is in jail. Besides, it’s my business what I do."

I knew I should let up on Janie. Sarcasm wasn’t something I usually used in conversation. I wasn’t used to talking to her like that but my irritation surfaced enough to get her to back off. I left Roasted Love around 9:30 to take Thor back home and change clothes. The visitation was at 10:30 and my plan was to stay in the backg

round and observe.

When I slipped into a spot in the back row, I felt lucky I got the last chair. My heart sank for a moment when I realized Daniel Jenkins sat next to me. I had hoped to remain incognito like real private eyes did. At least I figured that was how they acted. He focused his eyes on me and when I looked at him the laughter was there.

"What are you doing here?" he whispered.

"I could ask you the same question," I said.

"I’m here to pay my respects," he said. "I told you I knew Michael."

He didn’t get my answer. I was busy scanning the crowd.

"I had no idea this many people would be here," I said.

"Most are here for his family," said Daniel. "As I look around, all of these people are friends of the Senator and Michael’s father. So far I see only a handful of Michael’s friends."