It was facing down, aimed at the metal operating table closest to me. On top was a black piece of fabric. I approached and carefully ran a hand over it. My brain was slow to realize what I was touching.

Uneven stitching gave it all away.

I lifted the black dress so that I could see it fully. This was definitely the same one Amber had on. So where was she? Patricia too.

There was no sign of her dress or her. I lowered the light piece of material and took a good look around the room.

It was so…practical.

There was everything I imagine an actual OR would need. Even a glove dispenser and sink to scrub down. Why the hell did Alaric have this in his house? I may not have known much about the medical field or its laws, but I was positive this kind of thing was highly illegal.

Is that why he kept it hidden somehow?

I looked behind me to where a massive bookshelf usually would have been closing this area off entirely.

But…this room wasn’t meant to exist at all according to Alaric. Flashes of memory floated through my mind. Bloodied hands and our bodies covered in sweat. How could I have these vivid imageries if none of this was real?

I’d…done things in here. What someone would deem sick and unforgivable things.

The dilemma was me not understanding if this was reality or a realistic dream. Was I as screwed up as my thoughts alluded me to be? Was it all a sick fantasy where my demons came out to play safely inside a world that wasn’t real?

If I could just remember clearly, I knew I’d have my answer. That would have a great deal of importance for how I felt because right now I was feeling like a ship lost at sea.

Looking around the room again, my eyes came to rest on a solid metal door. I think I needed to go in there, right? That’s where I’d been when I came here before. I sat the dress down and walked over to the door.

The whirring noise was coming from behind here. Something else too.

I glanced over my shoulder to make sure I was truly alone, not seeing anyone. I placed my ear against the cool metal. What was that? My brow scrunched up in concentration. It sounded like something was attempting to move a heavy object.

Or someone…

I grabbed the door handle and twisted. It didn’t budge. The door was locked this time. I jiggled the knob and got no give. There wasn’t even a keyhole so how the hell did it unlock?

I stepped back and searched the room with a wild gaze. What was the setup like in there? I wanted to slap the answers into my head. It was a freezer I think, maybe even a metal box. All I knew was that the last time I’d gone through this door I’d found a room from hell.

The black dress caught my eye again, and with it the sinking realization that if Amber or Patricia were inside this room, they weren’t among the living anymore. My feet carried me backward until I whirled around to face away from the door.

On a shiny tray beside one of the operating tables were two scalpels and something I had never seen before. I picked up a scalpel and studied the blade. Would this work? I placed the end of the tool against my index finger and applied pressure.

A stinging pain caused a knee-jerk reaction. A hiss flew from between my gritted teeth as the skin separated. The scalpel fell to the floor with a small clatter. Blood ran down my finger and over my hand, dripping onto the linoleum floor.

“One…two…three…” I counted beneath my breath, watching the blood drip. It looked like a beautiful crimson river, flowing effortlessly. Was it always this color?

It didn’t seem like it was going to stop dripping anytime soon. My flesh still stung where it was split apart.

This proved what I’d already suspected, but my brain refused to accept it.

I couldn’t allow this to be a reality. I needed to get out of here. Not just this room, but the house.

I raced back through the room and up the stairs. When I got to the kitchen I stumbled over my own two feet, catching myself before my face met with the floor. He was here. Of course, he’d be here. This was his intention after all. His eyes seemed bluer than usual. Was it because he was in the dark?

“What are you doing?”

“I…” Swallowing, I darted a glance towards the nearest doorway. Free and clear. The front door was only a few steps beyond that. I needed to take this chance. My brain commanded my body to run.

He called my name after I took off. My heart was beating so loudly. Blood ran down my wrist and left a trail on the floor. But I made it!