“It’s best to build on it. Try it with two fingers on the fret first.” I showed him the positioning and strummed my guitar so he could hear the sound. “That’s C major Seven. When you’ve had more practice, you can add the third—like so. That’s C major. I’ll give you a cheat sheet for finger placement, but don’t get down on yourself when you can’t move them as fast as you want immediately. It takes time.”

“How long did it take you?”

“To learn guitar? A couple of months,” I replied. “I wasn’t great, but I could play a few songs.”

“When did you become great at it?”

“Well, I thought I was awesome when I was eighteen, but I had my ass handed to me by a guitarist in a rival band who pointed out my technical irregularities and suggested that I take lessons. I didn’t like his commentary, but I couldn’t stop thinking about it. Talent without training will only take you so far. So I called that jerk and asked if he’d teach me a few things.” In exchange for blowjobs. I wisely kept that detail to myself and continued. “When he taught me all he knew, I found another instructor and then another. Never stop learning, dude. When you’ve convinced yourself that you know everything you need to, you’re on the road to regression.”

“Do you still take l-lessons?”

“No, but I practice for hours every day, and I play with guys who’re better than me.”

Parker frowned. “Who’s better than you?”

Not gonna lie, I loved his indignant tone on my behalf. He hardly knew me, and he already thought I was the best.

“Justin’s boyfriend, Gray, is the best I’ve ever played with, and Tegan’s husband, Dec, is a close second. My friend, Bobby J is awesome too. You met him earlier. He’s the big guy with the beard. He’s the lead guitarist for Jealousy and a close friend of mine. We challenge each other for sure, but he has a major advantage over me. He’s smart as fu—hell,” I corrected quickly.

“You’re smart too.”

“Not as smart as Bobby J. He went to med school.” I propped my guitar vertically on one knee and made up a ridiculous off-the-cuff riff, singing, “Med school, oh yeah” till Parker busted up laughing.

“Did he really go to med school?”

“Yep. He has an impressive education. His boyfriend works for NASA,” I said, settling my guitar on my lap again.

“Wow. That’s really cool.”

I smiled at his awestruck tone. “It is. Cody’s a good guy.”

“So, your friend is gay too?”

“He’s bi.”

“Like my dad.”

Ahh. It had taken for-fucking-ever to get to the point, but I had a feeling Parker had finally revealed the real reason he was interested in a second lesson.

I nodded slowly. “Yeah, exactly.”

“Are you bi?”

“Nope. I’m gay. I like men.” When he didn’t speak, I prodded, “Is that a problem?”

“No, no. Not at all. I just…” Parker flipped his hair in front of his face and went quiet again.

I nudged his foot. “You just…what?”

“I don’t get it. Are you Dad’s boyfriend?”

“No, we’re friends. What don’t you understand?”

“All of it. He doesn’t talk about it, but it’s okay with me if you’re really boyfriends. That’s all,” he said in a rush.

I bit the inside of my cheek and stared at the top of his head. “So you’re giving me your approval. Is that why you came today?”

He looked like he might deny it for a second, but he shrugged haphazardly and nodded. “Maybe.”

“Thank you.” I smiled, thinking it wasn’t necessary to reiterate the fact that his dad and I weren’t boyfriends. It was enough that he gave his blessing. “Does that mean you aren’t really interested in learning guitar?”

“I am, but I was h-hoping I could do it faster.”

“What’s your hurry?”

“Nothing, but I don’t want to waste your time,” he replied matter-of-factly.

“Didn’t you hear my very grown-up spiel about hard work and practice? Very few people are virtuosos. Don’t be bummed if you’re not one of them. Or wait…were you counting on instant success because you’re good at everything you try?”

Parker’s lopsided grin was borderline cocky and very refreshing. For the first time since we’d met, he reminded me of a typical teen. “Only science things.”

“Science,” I repeated. “Okay. What do you like about it?”

“Everything. I built a volcano at school last year and I’m working on a balloon-powered car now. I’m good at math too.”

“That’s cool.”

“Yeah, but I’m taking calculus now. I’m two years ahead of my classmates, and it’s weird. None of my friends are in my classes. A couple of guys joined a soccer club, and I don’t really see them anymore. I think that’s part of the reason my dad wanted me to take guitar. If I learn how to play a cool instrument, my friends will want to hang out with me again.”

I opened my mouth and closed it twice. “Whoa. Your dad doesn’t care if you’re popular, Parker.”