“What do you want, Sean?”


He bit his bottom lip and glanced away briefly. “I want you too, but I don’t fit in your world. We both know it.”

“You’re the only one who fits,” I insisted. “Only you, Johnny. Only you.”

“I don’t—”

“I love you.”

He opened his mouth and closed it. “You…”

“I do. I love you.” I stepped close, tracing his jawline with a shaky hand as I met his gaze.


“So fucking much.” I blinked to keep tears at bay and nodded. “From the second you walked in here with your guitar, your smart mouth, and your fucking beautiful smile, you’ve owned my heart, baby. I don’t want to live half a life anymore. And I cannot live without you. Give me a chance to—”

Johnny launched himself into my arms. “Shh. I love you too. I love you.”

I breathed him in, wrapping him tighter still before crashing my mouth over his. There was no finesse in the kiss…just gratitude. Sweet, soul-wrenching gratitude.

I inched away, brushing his nose playfully. “There’s more. I want you in my life…all the way. Every part of you. And I want everyone to know you’re mine.”


“Yes. Everyone. I told Fiona about you.”


“I figured she should know…because of the kids.”

Johnny bit his bottom lip. “What’d you tell Parker and Penny?”

“I told them I love you,” I replied simply.

“You did?”

“Yes, and—come with me. I’ll show you.” I laced my fingers with his and led him outside to the neatly made table.

“What’s all this?”

“A romantic dinner…kid-style. Penny set the menu. We’re having mac and cheese with chicken fingers. Parker provided the music. He insisted that we start with the Beatles. And Lullah greeted you at the door. My family loves you, Johnny.”

His dark hair fell into his eyes as he bent to pick up the menu.

“I love them too,” he whispered in a raspy voice.

“They want you to be their family too. Almost as much as I want it.”

Johnny turned to face me. “Yeah?”

“I’m kind of a package deal. I can’t give you myself without letting them in.”

“I know.”

“They’re my world, but you…you are my everything.” I cupped his face and stroked his chin tenderly.

Johnny smiled. “Then say it again.”

“I love you.”

“Are you sure about me?” He sniffed, wiped at his eye with the back of his hand. “What happens when I go on tour and I’m gone for a month?”

“I’ll come see you. Often. I’ll cheer you on from the front row. And when we can’t be together, I’ll feed your cat and make sure you have a warm meal waiting when you get home. And when you’re home, I’ll make sure you never doubt for one second that this is where you belong. I’ve never been more sure about anything in my life. I promise you that.”

Johnny wrapped his arms around my waist. I pulled him closer still and kissed his forehead.

“I got Penny’s text, so I’m assuming they’re in on this.”

I chuckled. “A little bit. I needed them to be part of this…to a degree.”

“Where are they?”

“Upstairs. They’re giving us time alone. But Penny is going to want to serve us dinner, and Parker will probably insist on taking over the music. Are you ready for it?”

Johnny grinned so wide it had to hurt his face. “Very ready. Bring it on.”

I glanced at the two faces pressed against the upstairs window and signaled for them to join us.

A minute later, we were surrounded. Penny raced outside, squealing with glee as she threw her arms around Johnny, and Lullah barked like crazy. Parker hung back until Johnny and I pulled him close.

And suddenly, we were complete. This was my family.

Somehow I knew Johnny felt it too. He had a family of friends, but he had us now too.

He rested his forehead on my shoulder and swayed in my arms. He seemed happy and content and damn, I never wanted to let go. A wave of peace swept over me, anchoring me in place. The man responsible for turning my world upside down emanated joy and love. I would do whatever it took to be worthy of him. I was older, though not always wiser. I had much to learn, and I was ready to tackle every challenge, starting from the top, with my rock star by my side.


“And in that moment, I swear we were infinite.”—Stephen Chbosky, The Perks of Being a Wallflower


Rain battered the hotel window, pinging noisily against the glass. I blinked wearily, rolling to my stomach to avert my eyes as the heavy drapery slid open and muted light flooded the room.

“Rise and shine, rock star. You can’t sleep all day.”

I groaned aloud, then peeked over the corner of the duvet to glower at my man. “Too early.”

“It’s noon, baby. We have five hours to ourselves in London before you have to get to the stadium for your show tonight. What do you want to do first? It’s pouring, so we should probably stick to indoor activities. Charlie said he might be able to get us a VIP museum tour or—”