Tegan cocked his head. “What is it?”

“Bougie water.” Charlie clapped excitedly, then set his hands on Ky’s shoulders.

“Bougie say what?” I snorted.

“It’s water, but it’s bubbly and fabulous,” Charlie enthused. “It’s called Sonoma. Love the name, don’t you? It comes in a medley of fabulous flavors—tangerine, blackberry, raspberry lime. You can purchase a non-alcoholic or spiked version. I did a little research and I have to say, I love the packaging. It’s colorful, yet tasteful too. This could be an interesting partnership.”

Justin frowned. “Whoa! Partnership? What do you have in mind?”

“Nothing yet. I won’t have details until I meet with them next week, but the timing is beyond perfect. You’re between albums and concert tours. Your popularity is rising but you’re not stadium headliners. Yet. Getting paid to represent a product puts money in the bank and keeps Zero’s name in the spotlight with widespread international promotion. It’s great exposure for the label as a whole. And it’s very different from the photo-shoot concept with Clay. Personally, I think doing both prior to releasing your third album could be the catalyst we need to skyrocket directly to the top.” Charlie widened his hands like a director on a film set. “Doesn’t that sound exciting?”

“No, it sounds like selling out,” Justin deadpanned, flopping onto the sofa.

“It’s not selling out,” Charlie insisted, stomping his Italian loafer. “You have to play the game, Justin. It’s the only way to stay relevant today. You can’t disappear for nine months and assume you’ll still have the same reputation and accolades upon your return. We are a ‘shiny coin’ society, boys. We’re easily distracted by bright lights and new ways of packaging old messages. Until you’re ingrained in the public’s consciousness across a spectrum of age groups, you’re a guaranteed has-been.”

“Well, that’s assuring,” Ky huffed.

Charlie kissed Ky’s cheek. “Not you, darling. You’ll always be my number one.”

We all let out a collective groan when Ky pulled Charlie onto his lap and stuck his tongue down his throat. “Gross.”

I perched on the arm of the sofa next to Justin and mulled over Charlie’s “news.” So this was what Sean was talking about the other night.

Charlie scrambled off his boyfriend’s knee. “Listen, I didn’t commit to anything. I simply agreed to a meeting. But I have to ask you all to remember that you’re not just members of Zero, you’re also part owners of Scratch Records. Think about this from both sides. Growing our brand is the objective.”

“But there’s a fine line, Char. Is it too much too soon? We don’t want to come across as one of those douchey acts who drank their own Kool-Aid and has an inflated sense of worth. Do we even like bubbly water?” Tegan asked.

“It’s okay,” Justin conceded. “Some are better than others. Seems like we should make sure we like any product we agree to sponsor. Especially if it’s our first one.”

Ky raised his hand. “I’ve never tried that brand, but I like bubbly water. How do you feel about it, Johnny boy?”

“If there’s alcohol in it, I’m down,” I said with a smile.

Charlie’s eyes twinkled with mischief. “Me too. I have to be careful of the spiked buzzy stuff. It brings out my inner ho. I had two the other night at home and ended up stripping to my briefs on the balcony. The rest is fuzzy.”

“I’d be happy to remind you, baby.” Ky waggled his eyebrows playfully.

“Oh, brother.” Justin hefted himself from the sofa and pulled out his cell. “I say go for it. Talk to them. Just don’t make any promises.”

“Of course not.” Charlie inclined his head. “We’re in information-gathering mode only.”

“Gather some samples too,” Tegan suggested.

“Definitely. I’m kind of partial to raspberry, and Gray loves orange…in case you’re curious,” Justin squeezed Charlie’s ass on his way to the door. “Later, boys. Monday practice?”

I hopped up and gave him and Ky high fives. “Sounds good. I’m outta here too.”

“Hang on.” Charlie tugged my sleeve and waited for Ky and Justin to move into the hall before whispering. “Are you okay with meeting Clay? It’s really no big deal…dinner or appetizers and a sneaky photo op. Clay’s in on it too. No surprises. Just a reason to post something new on social media and hint at a possible collaboration. I’ve been told I’m a steamroller, and maybe that’s true, but I want to make sure you’re okay with it.”

“Taking one for the team,” Tegan snarked, draping his arm over my shoulders. “Way to go, Johnny.”

I elbowed Tegan while assuring Charlie I didn’t mind. “It’s only an hour, right?”

“Yes! Thank you for being a good sport. I’ll be sure to procure extra samples of spiked goodness for you. Mwah!” Charlie gave me an air kiss before grabbing his bag and hurrying to the exit. “Don’t forget to lock up!”

Tegan jingled his keys and stepped aside to make room for me to pass. “Ready?”