This was what I’d hoped to get a taste of when I started at Scratch Records. Just a quick peek at another world. I wished I had an invisible cloak so I could flit around the room, eavesdropping on conversations at will. I saw Zero’s lead singer, Justin, with his boyfriend, Gray. Tegan had his arm around Declan, and Ky was laughing uproariously at something Charlie was saying. I’d met a few of the others too…Cade, Gill, and of course, Johnny.

Johnny moved to my side and held up a water bottle. “I’ll trade you. I think you’ll like this instead.”


Johnny was one of my favorite people at the label. He was sweet-natured and kind. He went out of his way to say hello and make conversation when we ran into each other in the kitchen or the parking lot. I’d become better at reading flirtation and I didn’t think he was nice because he wanted something from me. He seemed almost protective instead.

He brushed a lock of his raven hair from his eyes, glancing over his shoulder, then at me. “Don’t be nervous. This is just part of the ritual. Although in this case, it’s more of a welcome party for the new band we signed on.”

“Oh. Right.” I uncapped the water and took a healthy sip. “I’m not nervous.”

“Really? I am.”

“You? These are your people.”

“Some are, some aren’t. Zero and Jealousy feel like family, and maybe the new bands we bring on will feel that way eventually. It never happens overnight.”

“Hmm.” I glanced over at Bobby J talking to a pretty brunette a few feet away. He turned to me with a smile as if he sensed my stare.

“She doesn’t stand a chance with him,” Johnny said as if he’d read my mind. “He talks about you all the time.”

“He does? I—he mentioned…are things okay again with you?”

“Yeah, we’re fine. And I’m sure he told you, but just so you know, we were never lovers. We were cohorts in temporary madness.”

“Got it.”

“Good. We just made a few bad decisions together, and neither of us is good at communicating. Isn’t that right, Bobby J?” Johnny asked, handing over the red cup when he joined us.

Bobby J frowned. “I think I’m a great communicator. But I’m also good at making bad decisions.”

“You are indeed.” Johnny chuckled, then offered him a fist bump that Bobby J turned into a bro hug. Johnny stepped aside and gestured toward the opposite end. “You want something to eat? There’s food and—oh…an ex-booty-call. Let me know if you need me to run interference.”

Bobby J turned on cue, sighing as he set a proprietary hand on my hip. “Gee, thanks.”

Johnny gave a thumbs-up and moved on. I took another slug of water and scanned the room, trying my best to quiet the static in my head. Good decisions, bad decisions, ex-booty-calls, current booty-calls, friends, lovers, and…

Fuck. I didn’t belong here.

I was a temporary bad decision and a booty-call with an expiration date. There were no numbers involved. They weren’t necessary. The equation was so simple, anyone could figure it out. I should have caught on sooner, but I liked him…a lot.

Too much.

Bobby J linked his fingers with mine and pulled me toward the stage and down a short set of stairs to the club floor. It was almost eerily quiet now. The real action was behind the curtain. It was strange to think that would change within an hour or two.

“Have you played here?” I asked conversationally as I swiped my clammy palms on my khakis.

“A couple of times. This is where I met Dec. He came to my solo gig here a year ago—”

“Right, and you’re leaving soon,” I interrupted awkwardly, casting a manic gaze around the club. The door must have opened. Concertgoers were filing in, their voices echoed off the walls and the high ceiling.

“Uh…yeah, but I won’t be gone long. Just a couple of weeks. You gonna miss me?” He tugged a lock of my hair playfully.

“Yes, of course. Um…New York City, right?”

“That’s one of the stops. Do you want to come with me?”

I gaped. “To New York City? I couldn’t. I—that’s far and you’ll be busy and…no, thank you.”

“Cody, look at me.” He ran a soothing hand along my side as he waited for me to obey. “I’m doing something wrong, but I’m not sure what it is. I need you to tell me so I can fix it.”

“It’s okay. I’m okay.”

“Hey, if this is about that ex Johnny mentioned…she just works here. And she wasn’t a real ex. It was a one-night deal and—”

“It’s fine. Don’t worry,” I chanted, wiping my hands and licking my lips again.

“Baby, I—”

“Oh, Bobby J! It’s you!” A beautiful, busty blonde in a low-cut T-shirt launched herself at him just then. She wrapped her arms around his neck, molding her tits to his chest before crashing her mouth over his.