Topher nodded. “Was that a three-way or a gang-bang scene?”

I couldn’t help it. I busted up laughing. And once I started, I couldn’t stop. It was probably the first sign of a mental spiral before my adrenaline crashed.

I ended my hysterics on a sigh and shook my head when he threw a cushion on the naked sofa. “Stop cleaning. I’m the one who made this mess. I’ll take care of it.”

He brushed his hands together and inclined his head. “You never answered the question.”

My grin felt like it split my face in half. “Three-way.”


I stalked around the perimeter of the furniture, tossing pillows and cushions on the sectional. “What does that noise mean? Are you judging a three-way?”

“Oh, no. Not at all. I prefer a three-way to a gang-bang scene myself. Those always make me a bit uncomfortable.” He twitched his nose in distaste and adjusted his glasses.

“Wow, this isn’t an awkward conversation at all,” I commented sarcastically. I made a production of eyeing the pillows while braving a glance at my odd companion.

“You started it.”

“Me? That’s not how I remember it. You were in a hurry to leave and you fell right after you said—”

“I didn’t fall,” he intercepted, primly straightening his collar as he hoisted the strap on his computer bag over his shoulder. “I tumbled.”

“Yeah, it was like a backward somersault. You need to practice your dismount.”

“That’s what she said,” he quipped, gesturing to the flat-screen TV.

I burst into a new round of hilarity…ten times stronger than my last laugh attack. Topher was either fascinated or alarmed by my gasped breathing. He furrowed his brow and skirted the furniture when I flopped onto the edge of the chaise portion of the sectional.

“Christ, you’re kind of funny,” I snorted, dabbing a tear at the corner of my eye.

“Unintentionally. Are you all right?” He perched on the coffee table, his forehead knitted in concern.

“Once I can breathe again, I will be.” I heaved a sigh and smiled. “Sorry about the porn and the music and…all that.”

Topher pursed his lips in amusement. “Don’t be. It was funny.”

I broke eye contact, glancing out the window when my cheeks went suddenly warm. Geez, was I blushing? I studied a fast-moving cloud in the otherwise perfect blue sky. It was a beautiful day and—

“Do you really think I have beautiful eyes?” I blurted.

Topher blinked in dismay. “Uh…”

I yanked his wrist when he tried to stand. “Hey, I’m playing with you. Honestly, I’m glad you fell on the remote and wreaked havoc here. I was beginning to think you didn’t like me. Or worse—that you’d changed your mind about helping me.”

“I like you just fine and of course, I’ll help you,” he replied brusquely.

“Thanks.” I cast my gaze from his full lips to his long lashes.

Topher winced. “I should probably have warned you from the start that I have a filter issue and—”

“Hang on…be still.”

“What are you doing?”

“You have an eyelash right…” I pressed my thumb on his cheek, suddenly aware of my heart hammering in my chest. The insta-palpitations made me sweat. No shit, I had clammy palms and butterflies in my stomach. Telling a grown man to blow his eyelash and make a wish seemed flirtatious. And vaguely inappropriate. Although not quite as bad as dropping my towel and exposing my junk, I mused as I met his gaze. “Sorry. I—”

Topher dove forward and sealed his mouth over mine, sending us careening onto the chaise.

So…this was unexpected.

Now I knew how the average hetero guy in my current position would react. He’d break contact immediately, and if he was cool, he’d kindly reset boundaries.

Not me. I held Topher’s face and pushed my tongue between his lips, angling my head to deepen the connection. Holy fuck, this was good. He tasted sweet, like strawberries. I wondered idly if he was wearing ChapStick or if it was just him.

I rolled on top of him, twisting my tongue around his insistently. I couldn’t get enough. His moan of approval went through me like a strong liquor, bumping the fever inside me up a notch or two. I tugged his shirt from his khakis, desperate to feel skin. Not gonna lie, my dick had gone from eager to extremely fucking interested in seconds flat. I was packing a steel rod behind my zipper, and there was no way Topher missed it.

I hovered above him to hide the evidence as best I could, but he parted his thighs and hooked his legs over my ass, drawing me against him. It was a moot point; I was turned-on.

Very, very turned-on.

I rocked my hips, sliding my erection alongside his, shivering at the sensation. Damn, if I wasn’t careful, I’d pass out. Or worse, come in my jeans.

A tingle of pleasure skittered along the base of my spine, warning me I was getting close. Not okay. I broke the kiss, sucking in a gasp as I flopped beside him on the chaise, panting for air. Somehow, I fought the urge to grip my shaft through the denim to ease a little tension. My cock had a heartbeat of its own. Part of me wondered if Topher was in the same predicament, but I was afraid to ask. Hell, I was actually afraid to look at him.