“Hey! Where are you going?”

“Home. I’m done,” I spat.

I trudged toward my backpack, brushing excess sand from my elbows and knees. I changed into a clean T-shirt, then hiked the strap over my shoulder and headed for the parking lot.


I paused to slide my feet into my flip-flops before turning around. It bought me ample time to arrange my face into something less…cranky. “Hey, Anna. How’s it goin’?”

Her huge sunglasses and oversized beach hat shielded her eyes, but her wide smile was bright and friendly. “Did Gus mention that Sophie cast me in a role as his girlfriend?”

“Yeah, he mentioned it.”

“I wanted to stop by in person to make sure you’re okay with it. After that fiasco a couple of weeks ago, I didn’t want you to think I was seducing your partner now. I swear I’m a dateless wonder,” she said with a laugh. “Soph’s wacky ideas are making me look bad.”

“Like your date with Braden,” I huffed without thinking.

“That was more of a friend dinner. Sophie joined us late and ate half an appetizer. He’s a great guy. I’d definitely go out with him if he asked, but I don’t think he was interested.”

“Well, Gus is very interested,” I snarked.

Anna made a face. “It’s a fake-date thing, El. I’m not really into Gus. If you don’t want me to do it, I won’t.”

“Thanks. It’s probably better if it’s someone I know and trust ’cause I sure as fuck don’t trust Gus.”

She set her hand on my forearm and smiled. “Hey, I’m here rooting for you, El. I want good things for you. I always have.”

I pulled her in for an impulsive hug. “You too, Anna Banana.”

“Lovefest!” Tucker wrapped his arms around both of us in a not-so-stealthy sneak attack.

“Tucker, you crush my hat, I crush you,” Anna warned, wiggling from my embrace.

He stepped back and adjusted her hat. “All better. Your new man is waiting for you, tiger. Go get ’em.”

“Ha. Not today, Satan. I scored a great parking space and now that I’ve seen Elliot, I’m going to hand it off to the next lucky bastard. I’ll see you guys around.” Anna tipped her floppy hat, then pivoted toward the boardwalk.

“She is way too cool for Gus.” Tucker shook his head solemnly as he watched her walk away. “On a scale from one to ten, how pissed are you?”


“He sucks,” Tucker agreed, following me to the parking lot. “It’s not a bad idea, but he should have run it by you first.”

“Ya think?” I snorted sarcastically. “I don’t know which part I hate more…appropriated Pride by a guy who doesn’t give a shit about LGBTQ rights or that he dragged Anna into this.”

“Tell him to fuck off.”

I opened my trunk and tossed my sandy backpack inside. “It’s not that simple.”

“Then make the best of it. Wear your rainbow shirt proudly and get your own date for the sponsor shindig. When life throws you lemons and all that shit…am I right?”

I smiled at his self-satisfied grin. “Maybe so.”

I exchanged fist bumps with Tucker, then hopped in my car and reached for my cell. I scrolled for Braden’s number before pushing Call.


“Hey, where are you? Are you with someone? I hear voices.”

“I’m at Dick’s Sports. Alone,” Braden replied with a laugh.

I grinned, loving the easy humor in his tone. After my crappy afternoon, I needed this. I needed him. “Quit trying to get in Dick’s shorts. And don’t go anywhere. I’ll be there in ten minutes. Shoot. Where is it?”


“What the fuck?”

“It’s not that far, but I’ll be home soon anyway, so—”

“No, I’m on my way. Hang tight.”

“Wait. What’s wrong?”

“Nothing, but I want to see you. Stat.”

I disconnected the call before Braden could protest, then concentrated on maneuvering around slower moving traffic.

Twenty minutes later, I found him chatting with a cute salesgirl in the athletic shoe section. He was holding a giant sneaker, examining the sole while the girl flirtatiously pointed out a few other options he might be interested in. Okay, maybe she wasn’t flirting with him, but she was standing closer than necessary and looking at him the way I looked at him…like he was the sexiest man she’d met in ages.

“Tell him to go with the blue,” I suggested, pointing at the shoe in his hand.

The salesgirl giggled. “I like the blue too. Can I help you find something, sir?”

“No, I’m just here to supervise.”

“Great. Take your time. Let me know if I can get you anything.” She flashed another bright smile as she grabbed a shoebox from the bench in the middle of the aisle and left us alone.

“So, we’re shoe shopping, eh?” I asked. I picked up a Nike running shoe and juggled it, then set it back on the display. Though not exactly the way it was originally.

“Just checking out some running shoes. I need a new hobby.”